Hi. Im 25 and have suffered from social anxiety for many years. Things came to a head 2 years ago and I didnt leave the house for a couple of months because I couldnt face panicing and making a fool out of myself in front of other people as I had done previously. Depression is also a problem.

I sought help and was prescribed citalopram and completed a programme of CBT. I am better than I was previously, as in I can make myself leave the house, but as for any type of social situation, standing in ques, basically having to spend a prolonged time with other people, all the signs of panic and humilliation come flooding back.

I signed up for a home study course recently and attended a group leacture. I lasted 2 hours before I couldnt bear it anymore. It got to the point of feeling sick and hardly being able to move. I thought I was getting over this and feel such a failure.

I have an appointment with my GP next week and dont know what to do. Should I ask him to refer me for more therapy and/or change my medication? I know medication isnt a cure but I cant stand being like this any longer. Im letting everyone down yet again.

Thanks for reading x