After my tooth extraction at the hospital on Saturday they sent me home with some antibiotics as they said that there was an infection under the teeth that they had taken out. The antibiotics they gave me are called co-amoxiclav.

I hate taking any kind of tablets so I will admit that I only took two tablets on Sunday and two on Monday instead of the 3 they prescribed. After I took one last night I noticed that I felt quite trembly but I was so tired that I just went to sleep then this morning I got woken up at 5am and decided to take my tablet then and just went back to sleep. When I woke up I felt very trembly still and quite dizzy and just haven't wanted to move from the bed all day. I feel a bit bunged up too like I'm getting a cold.

I called the hospital pharmacy and they said that if it was the tablets then I would have experienced it after the very first one but they said to call my gp and ask them. I did so and am waiting for them to call back now.

Of course thanks to my HA I am convinced that Im having a terrible reaction to the tablets and am frightened to take any more

Either that or the infection from my teeth is now spreading through me and getting ready to finish me off

If dizziness is just a common reaction to the tablets then I will carry on taking them and just lay down when I need to I guess I just need them to tell me that its okay and just normal

I just hate this trembly dizzy feeling I haven't been able to eat right because of the stitches and stuff so maybe its more to do with that but I just don't know