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Thread: Blood Blister on Tongue

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Blood Blister on Tongue

    Over the years I've occasionally had some very large blood blisters come up on the side of my tongue when I've caught it on something I have been eating. I've usually just burst them with a sterile needle and they have been okay in no time.

    However earlier this week I woke up with one already on the side of my tongue, about the size of a kidney bean, which is the size I have had in the past. I actually left it alone all day as I had read somewhere that it's best to leave them alone, but it did eventually burst when I was eating my dinner.

    The problem I have now is that even though this was 3 days ago I am still in a lot of pain when I eat and drink. Last night I got into such a panic, which I know is really stupid, that I actually got up at 2am and went to A&E, but came home again when they told me I would have to wait 4hrs to see someone.

    I did talk to my GP on the phone today and she just told me to keep putting something like Bonjela on it and to go and see her if it doesn't get better by the middle of next week. So obviously now I am getting even more worried, I keep thinking maybe I've somehow managed to get an abscess from this as the pain seems to be radiating towards my ear and down my neck.

    I guess I am finding it hard to understand how something fairly trivial can be causing me so much pain and wondered if anyone else has ever had this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: Blood Blister on Tongue

    hi, yes iv had exactly the same a while ago,for all it was painfull i hadnt any other discomfort it could be its got a little infected,have you tried corsadyl mouth wash?its realy good for oral blisters and such,i always keep it in because im for ever getting mouth ulcers,my doc said its cause im stressed out most of the time,their very painfull i agree,give it ago it may just help ease it,hope its better soon hun.x

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Blood Blister on Tongue

    I've had this because when I am anxious I bit my tongue in my sleep
    I found that when they burst it can REALLY hurt for days, so much so that it is hard to eat and drink on that side of the mouth. I agree that corsodyl mouthwash is fab, there is also a paste that you can get OTC in the chemist that is used for treating mouth ulcers. I can't remember the name, but it goes on like a cement texture and turns into a jelly like texture in your mouth (that's how I always describe it to the pharmacist and they always know which one I mean!) It is really great for treating anything in the mouth, it works wonders.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Blood Blister on Tongue

    Thank you both for your replies. I think I have some Corsadyl mouthwash and my GP did mention something I could buy OTT, which I have forgotten the name of, but when I googled it all I could find out was that this particular item had been discontinued.

    I really hope I don't have an infection as it's the start of the weekend and difficult to get any medical advice when the GP's surgery is closed.

  5. #5

    Re: Blood Blister on Tongue


    Don't panic!

    I and millions of over people have suffered with these for years. I somehow manage to chew my cheeks as well! Nearly always when eating and during conversation and whether I've had an alcoholic drink or not. I then get huge blood blisters which then get digested when least expected, they turn into sores and ulcers, and I use Ambesol to anaesthetise the pain which can be excruciating especially when talking.

    They last for a week and when I speak the pain gets worse due to exposure to oxygen. I am searching for a spray that would apply a soothing solution over the affected area.

    I'm now 65 and have just returned from a break in Goa, India. Last Monday out with friends at a restaurant there, unbeknown to me I too munched my tongue during conversation and I've never seen such a large blood blister develop. Another week on and the ulcer is nearly sealed but boy or boy has it been nasty.

    I have every sympathy for sufferers like yourself, the debilitating effect is awful. For some reason we are most vulnerable as the majority of my relatives and pals think I'm a freak as they never get them! I wonder if it is anything to do with us having softer tissue than most people, perhaps due to drinking hot liquids and eating hot food which I can easily do and tolerate.

    Anyhow, all the best to my fellow sufferers...


    Quote Originally Posted by Alabasterlyn View Post
    Over the years I've occasionally had some very large blood blisters come up on the side of my tongue when I've caught it on something I have been eating. I've usually just burst them with a sterile needle and they have been okay in no time.

    However earlier this week I woke up with one already on the side of my tongue, about the size of a kidney bean, which is the size I have had in the past. I actually left it alone all day as I had read somewhere that it's best to leave them alone, but it did eventually burst when I was eating my dinner.

    The problem I have now is that even though this was 3 days ago I am still in a lot of pain when I eat and drink. Last night I got into such a panic, which I know is really stupid, that I actually got up at 2am and went to A&E, but came home again when they told me I would have to wait 4hrs to see someone.

    I did talk to my GP on the phone today and she just told me to keep putting something like Bonjela on it and to go and see her if it doesn't get better by the middle of next week. So obviously now I am getting even more worried, I keep thinking maybe I've somehow managed to get an abscess from this as the pain seems to be radiating towards my ear and down my neck.

    I guess I am finding it hard to understand how something fairly trivial can be causing me so much pain and wondered if anyone else has ever had this.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Re: Blood Blister on Tongue

    I've got one of these two, for as far as I can tell the first time in my life. Naturally I freaked out when I first noticed this white thing, ringed with red, in my mouth, but thank god for the NMP forums.

    Mam got me to dissolve salt in water and rinse my mouth out. I hope it goes away soon though. It's not especially painful, just a little, but it IS in an annoying place and I'm panicking about enough things without adding this to it!

  7. #7

    Re: Blood Blister on Tongue

    hi,i went to thedentist about a year ago and had a back bottom tooth pulled out,but when he was trying to get it out,he pressed on my tongue which pressed into my bottom eye tooth,dont know if thats what its called,but it was the ones that are lined up with upper eye teeth,so its sharper then all the others,anyways,ive had a blood blister ever since,it will not go away,when i gargle with warm water and salt,or baking soda,it will turn a lil bit white,but it always goes back to blood blister,im getting afraid because what if its something else,this is going to sound crazy,but i am finding it hard to get myself to see a doctor because im afraid he/she will tell me to get a biopsy,i watched what a biopsy on the tongue looks like,it looks very painfull,what should i do? does anyone here have a bloodblister like me? please tell me im going to be ok,ohh and im a smoker,more of a reason to get my butt to the doctor,thank you

    patricia sordiff

  8. #8

    Re: Blood Blister on Tongue

    I Have had Blood blisters off and on for about 20 years can take up to 10 days to go and sometimes make you feel not to good .i get about 5 a year

    Quote Originally Posted by Alabasterlyn View Post
    Over the years I've occasionally had some very large blood blisters come up on the side of my tongue when I've caught it on something I have been eating. I've usually just burst them with a sterile needle and they have been okay in no time.

    However earlier this week I woke up with one already on the side of my tongue, about the size of a kidney bean, which is the size I have had in the past. I actually left it alone all day as I had read somewhere that it's best to leave them alone, but it did eventually burst when I was eating my dinner.

    The problem I have now is that even though this was 3 days ago I am still in a lot of pain when I eat and drink. Last night I got into such a panic, which I know is really stupid, that I actually got up at 2am and went to A&E, but came home again when they told me I would have to wait 4hrs to see someone.

    I did talk to my GP on the phone today and she just told me to keep putting something like Bonjela on it and to go and see her if it doesn't get better by the middle of next week. So obviously now I am getting even more worried, I keep thinking maybe I've somehow managed to get an abscess from this as the pain seems to be radiating towards my ear and down my neck.

    I guess I am finding it hard to understand how something fairly trivial can be causing me so much pain and wondered if anyone else has ever had this.

  9. #9

    Re: Blood Blister on Tongue

    I also get blood blisters in my mouth, tongue etc. They just appear randomly and does take a while for them to heal.
    Initially I wasn't concerned by them but it was my dentist who looked in horror during my routine checkup and told me I would have to be referred to the dental hospital to see why I am getting blood blisters regularly.
    As you can imagine my anxiety has shot up ��

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Blood Blister on Tongue

    My Dr told me that tongues take weeks to heal after I had "sandpapered" my tongue with a hard sweet covered in sugar crystals. I had literally taken the top layer of skin off my tongue and it was agony to eat for nearly 4 weeks.

    So tongues take a very long time to heal up. I also get blood blisters on the underneath of the tip of my tongue occasionally if I eat hard food the wrong way. I seem to have one area that is very vunerable to them and never get them anywhere else on my tongue.

    Dr told me that painless lumps that grow are the ones to worry about.

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