since the age of 20 after 3 years of serious forest parties and raves i have suffered with depression on and off and have had eye pain and numbness in my head for 13 years. i have tried everything, the best remedy is exercise. it seems that its stress related anxiety pains. i get it up my neck, ear face nose head and eye. if i press on the parts it relieves the tension. but you cant go around pressing or rubbing you look like a nutter, but Indian head massage, cranial sacral therapy, exercise and yoga all help relieve the tension for short period of time but it never goes away. anyone else get this what do you do to combat it. Ive tried anti depressants and the pains still niggle away. when i drink or am tired it seems to get worse too. i get very uptight very quickly too and cant get on with people i see too often like at work and family. i take it all out on them