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Thread: Summertime Anticipatory anxiety or plain madness

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    Summertime Anticipatory anxiety or plain madness


    Now that we are in march and the summer is justy round the corner I'm getting anxious.


    In the summertime I don't wear hair wax, hairspray or perfume (still wear deodorant for hygiene reasons) as i am PETRIFIED i will get stung!. You see I have never ever been stung and am scared I will get an allergic reaction (not a new anxiety).

    In the summer my house is roasting as I never ever open windows in case the blighters come in (oh apart from when I was scared we were all getting carbon monoxide poisoning and jkept the windows open day and night for about a month)

    I've had to phone my mother in law to come and get rid of wasps in my house and wake my boyfriend up to get them out as i can't be in the same room as one!! I even run away from my babies pram when he was little because there was a bee near it (i'm soo ashamed!).

    When i was getting CBT the therapist told me the best thing would be for me to get stung - yes i agree but I'm not going out of my way to do so!!!!!!!

    Anyway does anyone else have this fear (it probably has a name)


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    I dislike them intently, but I'm not phobic about them. Having been stung on the boob by that wasp last year though (and it swelled - Jordan to the left - Kate Moss to the right if you get my drift), it's not an experience I want to repeat.

    Have you thought about getting some of those gauze window covers for the summer.

    That way, you can have the windows open, but the blighters can't get in.

    It's about the only reason for not stopping smoking I can think of, as smoking actually seems to keep wasps away when in a pub beer garden.

    I agree - don't think going out your way to get stung is something I'd want to do either!


    What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    I'll certainly investigate the window covers!!

    Last year I was driving along in my car and my son shouted mum theres a bee in here. Well I had to do an emergency stop and jump out screaming for my son to do the same ~(talk about learned anxiety!). the thing was I had had no windows open so the poor thing had being in there baking for hours probably. I had to get a man passing to get rid of it!!!

    Cigarettes are a great deterent to wasps aren't they!!!

    I remember a few years ago walking along with my mum and a wasp was divebombing her hair as she was wearing hairspary and her screaming at me to give me my ciggy!!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hey Charlie

    Your post brang back some funny memories for me. I think wasps must have a thing for boobs, I was eating an ice cream in the garden and one flew straight for it, missed and went down my bikini top and stung me right where it hurts. I flung my top off and ran round the garden squealing, not concerned in the slightest about my state of undress and im not exactly small up
    And the amount of times ive been seen waving a ciggie round in the air above my head to fend off a bee or

    No wonder im a head case???

    love Sarah

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Yes - but it's not funny at the time!

    I had to get first aid on mine - it was killing.

    Then the next day I went on a first aid course and half the examiners and some of the candidates had all seen my b**bs.

    There was much "tittering" amongst those in the know - and many enquiries from those on the course who hadn't got a clue what they were laughing at, and what I was going red about!

    Eventually, I let it slip, and basically had to suffer two days of p*ss taking!

    Good job I have the skin of a rhino!

    Love Charlie x

    p.s I am never prejudiced. I'm sure that as I know some nice kind hells angels, there must be some good estate agents out there! Other than your hubby of course


    What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
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    I'm not worried at all by wasps and bees.

    But spiders, now thats a different story............

    Kate x

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    You can also get insect repellant things with a slow release - they hate the smell so they won't go in the room. I have one in my bedroom - keeps the insects away.

    I got bitten again (cat flea I assume) on Tuesday and I react badly to bites - you may remember the one I had on my face - well this is hurting a lot and all hard and swollen. Nothing will cure it or relieve it so I just suffer feeling grotty and in pain - lol


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
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    I did a handstand on a bee when I was younger....


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    oohh ouch!!!!!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Lavender and tea tree oil Nic.

    Or some hydrocortizone 0.5 mg cream


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