As the title says, my 'relaxation' tools are a couple of glasses of wine and cigarettes of an evening but obviously these are bad for me so I want to quit.

If I think back to my massive panics where I've ended up in A&E etc, and all the bad episodes I've had.. they have all happened when I'm not having a drink and a ciggie. This week I've decided to quit both and my anxiety is through the roof causing the return of my IBS/reflux, tight shoulders, numbness etc etc.

I'm quite stressed at the moment due to planning my wedding, partners long time job no longer safe and me finding out one of my colleagues has been stabbing me in the back so I'm wondering if this is the wrong time to quit. I have smoked on and off for 20 years but am terrifed of damaging my heart (was referred to a cardiologist 2 years ago and sent away with flying colours).

Does anyone have any advice?

Many thanks