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Thread: Tests you have had

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Tests you have had


    Thought I would list some tests/results I have had and see what other people have had done as well.

    Endoscopy - Gastritis
    ECG - Clear
    Lung Xray - Clear
    Back MRI - Clear
    Back Xray - Clear
    Abdominal Xray - Clear
    Abdominal Ultrasound - Clear
    Lupus Test (history in fam.) - Clear
    Diabetes - Clear
    Thyroid - Normal
    6 other Blood Tests - Clear
    4 Urine Tests - 2 Clear, 2 abnormal results but apparently fine
    Physical Exams - Clear
    Foot Pain, Physical Exam - Cellulitis

    I find it confusing, the foot pain one especially. I had an itch, then a massive bump formed, then the doctor said it a spot from anxiety so left it, then i couldnt walk, then the A&E doc said it was an infection and I needed to take antibiotics straight away.

    Anyway, how about you?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: Tests you have had

    A swab from down below and that is it lol.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Tests you have had

    Omg where to start
    just about every blood test under the sun
    all have been normal except

    enlarged red blood cells,
    that turned out to be a quite sever vitamin b12 deficiany

    ENA (esting for auto immune illness)
    positive and still under investigatio

    RO/SSA ant-bodies
    positive also still under ivestigation

    Rheumatoid factor
    Mildly positive

    White blood cell count
    Slightly elevated

    MRI scan, Ct scan, chest xray, ecg's, 24 hour tapes, blood gasses, glucose tolerance test, schimmers test, 24 hour urine collection, ( on 3 occasions, was a bloody nightmare) neurological tests,

    I have had so many over the years, i am sure there are lots more, i can't remember other than a few all my test have been ok. when i get the results of their being a problem with some of my bloods i was shocked as i always expect negative results lol

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Tests you have had

    Do you mean tests I have had in past 12 months or all the tests I have had

    In the past 12 months I have had

    24hr ECG - ectopics
    24hr urine test for adrenal cancer- negative
    Mammogram - fine
    Ultrasound breasts - fine
    24hr ECG - ectopics
    Cardio event moniter for three weeks - nothing harmful
    MRi brain - benign cyst has not changed in 2 yrs
    Pelvic ultrasound - cyst on ovary
    Pelvic Ultrasound - cyst gone
    Bloods as follows
    Thyroid 4 times as I am take thyroxine
    ESR x2
    Kidney function x2
    Liver functionx2
    Full blood count
    ( all tests normal)
    Blood pressure x2 - fine
    Smear test - fine
    Stool sample for bacteria-negative
    occult blood stool sample - negative
    Lymes disease test - awaiting results.

    In the three months before I had had a gastroscopy, 5 blood tests, x ray of hips and camera up my nose! Only result was the usual hiatus hernia on gastrosocpy.

    This is so embarrasing listing it all

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: Tests you have had

    I feel really worried now because youve all had tests to rule out things and i havnt :(

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Tests you have had

    Blimey that little lot must have cost an absolute fortune!

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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Tests you have had

    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    I feel really worried now because youve all had tests to rule out things and i havnt :(
    This used to worry me too, I've only had an ECG. If your doctor thought it was necessary, they'd send you for the tests you need so don't panic. Trust your doc that you're ok xx
    Don't lose your way with each passing day, you've come so far, don't throw it away - Land Before Time

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Tests you have had

    Em don't let that worry you, i am 31 so alot older than you and hav been ill on and off for many years, i also have M.E too so alot of my tests were neccessary before the doctors could officially give me the diagnosis of M.E. but look at all the tests people have had and the fact that they were nearly all ok, we have spent alot of time having tests and going through the worry of waiting for results, that was alot of wasted time x

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Tests you have had

    Editing it slightly -

    For anxiety I've had 2 blood tests and 4 ecgs, and one chest x ray...

    The rest is down to illnesses and hospital admissions etc
    Last edited by daisycake; 17-03-11 at 16:07.
    Present fears are less than horrible imaginings.
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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: Tests you have had

    Countless blood tests (all normal)
    ECG X 2 (fine)
    24 hour heart monitor (fine)
    Abdominal x-rays X 5 (just endometriosis)
    Abdo MRI scan (just endometriosis)
    Abdo CT scan (just endometriosis)
    Chest X-ray (fine)
    MS test (scraping of feet etc and testing of reflexes)
    Hysteroscopy (normal)
    Countless urine tests (always show white blood cells and protein but no probs found)
    Gastroscopy (just Gastritus and stomach inflammation)
    Ultrasound of gallbladder (fine)
    Ultrasound of kidneys (fine)
    CR125 test for ovarian cancer (fine)
    Hysterosalpingogram (just endometriosis and blocked tubes)
    Intra-vaginal ultrasound X about 10 (just endometriosis)
    Vaginal swabs

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