Hi, one of the things that really gets my H/A going (or reminds me that it's there) is my floaters. I have had floaters that bother me for about three or four years now (I'm 38)--since I developed H/A. I mostly notice them when it's brighter or when I am looking at the sky or something with a white background. But lately I see them even when it's darker. I've had my eyes checked periodically and the ophthalmologists haven't said anything about them and the optometrist says he sees them but they are normal. Why do they upset me so then? My eyes are also sensitive to light and often seem blurry.

My questions to you:
--Do you have floaters? How badly and for how long?
--Are they caused by/made worse by anxiety?
--Important: have you had them clear up/go away?
--Are your eyes also sensitive to light?
--Do you ever experience blurriness even though you may have good/corrected vision?

