I'm in work absolutely terrified.. I blew my nose lastnight and abit of blood was on the tissue.. No blood was running out my nose, it was just when I put tissue up my nostril to check that it had spots of blood on... I didn't sleep with worry. I'm now in work, just about to teach my baby massage class to 10 parents an I'm terrified. No blood is coming out my nose but still, when I put the end of a tissue up anti of blood is on it?! I'm scared incase I start with an awful full on nose bleed, I'm 40 minute drive away from home, il be infront of 10 parents an il be so scared! Iv got a fear if fainting an I just don't kno wot to do!
Does it sound like il start with a full on nose bleed? Has anyone else had this?
I'm in work till 5pm, please help x