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Thread: Back from the doctors - not sure what to do...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Exclamation Back from the doctors - not sure what to do...

    Hi there, well good news! I got an all clear from the doctor about my breast cancer fear. She said I have VERY lumpy breasts (strange), so it is hard to do self checking on them myself. But she had a good examine and she said there's nothing to worry about, but if i'm still worried in a couple weeks after my period finishes; then to come back.

    She didn't seem concerned about the fact my breast was hot, so this means she doesn't think there's a problem right?

    Also, I asked her about my hear palpatations (she took my blood pressure and said it's perfect), she said that my heart rate was a little bit fast, but nothing to be concerned about a my age, probably just anxiety.

    I'm going to get my thyroid checked tomorrow to see if it's over active.

    But this is where I need your guys help, she prescribed me Propranolol, she said it's a type of Beta Blocker. That slows down your heart and is also used for anxiety.

    Right this is what she said: I'll give you some Propronalol, you can take it away and read the leaflet and decide if you want to take it (because I explained my fear of side effects) and if you do decide to take it, and then realise it's not for you - then just stop taking it.

    Now 1: does this seem like she means I have a choice in taking it? Not that I HAVE to take it? I think she means I have a choice, and I can decide if I want to take it or not.

    2: The concept of something that slows down your heart really frightens me. I checked all the side effects and the only one that really scares me is "tell your doctor if you experience HEART BLOCK - symptoms might include slowing of heart rate, etc."

    There's a few more such as; difficulty detecting reality (?), hallucinations, lowering of blood pressure... I just don't know if I should even take them?

    Maybe I can stop my heart rate by just trying to relax? Or does the doctor think there's a problem?

    Right now another thing thats bothering me, as i'm typing this, my throat slowly feels like it's closing up :( A new one for the day. Anyone else get this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Back from the doctors - not sure what to do...


    That is great news about your breast worries and that you are reassured now all's ok.

    As far as the propanolol goes it looks as if you do indeed have in choice in taking it as she feels that it MAY help you in terms of the increased heart rate which is probably as a result of being anxious, as are the palps. I think what she is probably driving at is that the palps/tachycardia are not physically induced in terms of a cardiac prob, but anxiety related, therefore it is not like you HAVE to take them as a physical need, it is just they may help those symptoms of anxiety. It is good that she is leaving the decision up to you. At the end of the day, we all can choose whether we take meds or not regardless, even if it is suggested that we need the meds.

    Only you can decide if you want to take them hun. All I will say is that my Dad has been on Propanolol for well over 20 years now and he has been absolutely fine on them. He too suffers with anxiety. He is now 70 and fit as a fiddle.

    I think you hit the nail right on the head in as much as perhaps tackling your heart rate from a psychological point of view as being perhaps a better option for you. After all, if you are so worried about the meds it won't help your anxiety as you will be worried every day taking them. As I said before, if the doctor seriously thought there was a cardiac problem she would have told you to take them rather than left the decision up to you I am sure.

    The throat closing thing I get often, and is totally anxiety driven. I also get it when I get very, very upset and tearful, and it is purely an effect of being overwrought, and not that your throat actually is closing up hun.

    Try if you can some distraction techniques. Watch some tv, play some computer games,etc. as anything drawing your mind from these anxieties will calm all your physical symps. down.

    All that you have mentioned is VERY explainable, typical of anxiety, and you will be ABSOLUTELY fine I promise.

    Big Hug.xx

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Back from the doctors - not sure what to do...

    Hi ElectricAlice

    I have no idea why your doctor told you to read up on the side effects!! thats the worst thing possible!! Your doctor is giving you a choice, Beta Blockers help the hearts ability to relax, because as you will know if your worried about something it gets faster which can make you short of breath, but i dont think your doctor would give you anything she didnt think was good for you if i was you i would forget about the side effects and give them a trial period, every tablet has a million side effects, Companies are under obligation by the law to put a side effect on a leaflet for a medication if 1 in a million people suffered something - so if 1 person out of a million had a head ache after taking the tablet they have to put it, even if it wasnt the cause - hope this helps x

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Back from the doctors - not sure what to do...

    Hi, I'm so glad you got reassurance from your doctor that everything's ok, I know how worried you were.
    Tina xxx

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: Back from the doctors - not sure what to do...

    Thanks so much you guys :] It's so, so nice to hear all your support.
    I'm a little worried about my heart still as it does feel a bit strange to hear it beating about 84bmp, do any of you get your heart beating this fast?

    Thanks again though guys, I totally appriciate all your help, especially how worried I was yesturday. I am still a bit worried, seeing as these thoughts tend to linger a bit, but much better.

    I still have no idea whether to take these tablets or not though :[

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Back from the doctors - not sure what to do...

    Yes, mine beats that fast when I feel anxious, even at rest. I have had it up to 90 odd before now. Horrible sensation as it feels like it is going to jump through my chest!

    Anxiety does incredible but very frustrating, and unnerving things to us physically.

    Hope things settle for you

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Back from the doctors - not sure what to do...

    Mine used to wake me up and it felt like it was doing somersaults ... I took Beta Blockers for a while and it stopped doing it .I felt ok on them ,so its really worth trying them .It will help Im sure .All the best ..luv Sue xx

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Back from the doctors - not sure what to do...

    Good grief! My at rest heart rate is 94 beats per minute sometimes and when I panic it goes way over 200 beats per minute. I have been told there is nothing wrong with my heart so you certainly don't have anything to worry about!
    Those that matter don't mind... and those that mind don't matter.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: Back from the doctors - not sure what to do...

    I can also report that I've taken beta-blockers for over 12 years now and am fine on them. If you take a higher dose of it (80mg a day or more), then you might find that you get cold hands and feet, but this is nothing to worry about. I also get some strange dreams which I think are linked with them, but there again, these don't bother me.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: Back from the doctors - not sure what to do...

    Thanks again guys . I got my blood checked for under active thyroid, diabetes and liver function today.

    I think I'm going to try natural ways like relaxation techniques, etc to slow my heart, as long as it's not dangerous for my heart to be beating that fast.

    I sort of see medication as a LAST resort, it scares me.

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