Hi Debs

I know exactly where you are coming from with the treatment received by employees at the JC. Whilst I completely appreciate that they have a job to do and guidelines to work within, they can appear very abrasive and uncaring at times.

Equally, they must meet many claimants who are not being entirely honest about why they are claiming or the efforts that they are putting into finding work - or not as the case may be.

To be eligible for JSA it states quite clearly that you have to be actively seeking work and that includes any and all jobs going after you reach the 6 month mark at present.

If you are not prepared to operate within these guidelines, what are they to do - they are only "going by the book".

It is somewhat of a cleft stick!

However, have you ever thought about setting up your own business ? If you have, it may well be the time to start now! I do believe that you can claim tax credits if you start your own business and it presents you with no hassle from attending the Job Centre and being told to accept any work.

All you need to do is sign off and say you are starting up a business (ask if they have any current courses or financial incentives to do this - they do sometimes depending on funding). Contact tax credits hotline and they will do an appraisal for you.

If you look at the Tax Credits online calculator, you can do a quick forecast and complet it as a self employed person - obviously in your first year of trading, you could well anticipate zero profits whilst you get started or a very low level of income.

Just a thought honey. It may be worthwhile investigating.

Good luck

Macc Noodle