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Thread: Allergic reaction?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Allergic reaction?

    i love galaxy caramel chocolate and i have ate alot recently as its my fav choc and anyway today i got a new bar as a treat because it had been a few days since i had some, and when i went to open it, it had two packages on, like double wrapped type thing, anyway i thought i would still eat some and well now i am getting a tight throat and feel like i cannit breathe as good,

    thing is my question is could i be having an allergic reaction to it even though i have eaten it loads of times before and never had one?

    im going through a thing at the min where im scared to eat anything incase i have an allergic reaction, i have never had one before and as far as i know im not allergic to anything, i used to eat nuts, things containin seeds.. the lot, but now i check the packagin to see it doesnt contain it as im scared i will have a breathing reaction and die.

    But like i said i never had one before to these. Do you think i could just be imagining it and bringinin on an attack type thing because i put it in my mind that the fact it was double wrapped is dodgy? and because it says on the back "may contain traces of nuts"

    can we make our self feel how we dread to feel? when we are fine? whats the best thing to do? just plod thru it and if it was serious wait til we have passed out or what? see how far we can go?

    Just need some reassurance because im in the house by myself for a few hrs and im really scared.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Allergic reaction?

    Quote Originally Posted by xJust_Sarahx View Post

    can we make our self feel how we dread to feel? when we are fine? whats the best thing to do? just plod thru it and if it was serious wait til we have passed out or what? see how far we can go?

    the mind is very powerful and can make us believe anything. try to distract yourself because the more you think about it the more your mind will try to tell you it is happening.
    Emmz xx

    nolite te basstardes carborundorum

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Allergic reaction?

    Double wrapping is common. Sometimes the machine has a bit of a moment. It indicates nothing. If you have never had a nut allergy before, then it very likely you eat food containing all kinds of nuts on a regular basis without even realising its an ingredient. Most chocolate bars will say 'may contain traces of nuts' on the back of the packet, because most companies produce other bars that DO contain nuts in the same factory, and for legal reasons they have to cover their own back. You have eaten this chocolate in particular loads of times before. Allergies dont work that way. Personally, it sounds to me like your mind playing games. x

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Allergic reaction?

    Thanks again for your advice, my chest and throat still feels tight but i dont know if its panic or what, im guessing if it was really serious i would be lying on the floor gasping for air type thing now and i wouldnt be able to sit here typing.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Allergic reaction?

    If you think you are having an allergic reaction, take some benedryl and that will stop it. If you aren't having one, it will just make you sleepy.

    I am going through similar fears with having an allergic reaction. I actually just got tested and found out I am allergic to cashews and pistachios, and I had no idea, I'm even pretty sure I have eaten them before. The doc just said I could be sensitive to it. But it is scary, isn't it? If you really are nervous, just carry some benedryl with you just in case. I think developing allergies you have never had before though is more rare with food allergies, and more common with like pollen, pet dander, etc.

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