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Thread: Success stories seem to go unrecognised!

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Success stories seem to go unrecognised!

    Quote Originally Posted by swgrl09 View Post
    This may sound kind of stupid, but would it help to move the success stories forum up higher on the main page?

    I think it gets kind of lost being after all the "problem" threads. I know I forget it's there sometimes, but have in the past posted and not gotten many replies.
    That's actually a good idea. If it were the first thread on all the "problem" pages, it may get read more often. That along with "Top Tips"

    Positive thoughts
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  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Success stories seem to go unrecognised!

    So basically move the whole remedies/therapy forum before the problems/issues forum?

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  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: Success stories seem to go unrecognised!

    I agree it might look a bit odd if you moved it.

    Personally, I agree with you about success stories and will make the effort to look in more often.

    Having recovered from panic attacks myself I know it can be done. The success stories forum ought to be an inspiration to those that are still suffering so perhaps we should all do our bit by referring people to them when appropriate.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Re: Success stories seem to go unrecognised!

    I couldn't agree more about success stories being overlooked. I have tried a few times to kick some positive stuff off. But got nowhere I am afraid. I don't have time to read all threads but if I see success stories that relate to my troubles (past & present) or even matters that don't relate to my own experiences I do try to make a comment.

    I have made some very good friends in this site.... I am so glad I registered. Actually one of the enduring things about the site (that keeps me coming back) is to continue those friendships. I like being in touch with these friends e cause ... I they have issues that bring them here in the first place.... But alongside those issues .... These friends have helped me to remain positive. To keep at it and not give up when I am faced with difficulties.

    So yeah..... Lets make sure we do celebrate the positive..... Because that is what (in the end) helps us all get better.

    And surely getting better is wht we want?

    ---------- Post added at 22:41 ---------- Previous post was at 22:36 ----------

    180 views..... Only 14 responses

    I forgot to mention that I tend to scroll down active topics, I don't really look at the list of forums or go into specific ones.... But I guess I don't read every thread title.
    From time to time I realise I have missed one I really wanted to comment on.
    I nearly missed this one. glad i didnt.

    Anyway.... I am very much in to the positive.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Success stories seem to go unrecognised!

    I like the idea of moving the positive stuff to the top, but Tessar makes a good point that lots of people just use active topics.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Success stories seem to go unrecognised!

    I see you are giving us an all new brand spanking perhaps you could have a hand that drags our cursers to the success stories board everytime we log on?

    There is still loads of positivity in the threads on the other boards whether its people being supportive, providing tips & ideas or where members explain how they have achieved certain things and get some well done's back. So, to some extext its going on, just not on the other board as well.

    Moving it upwards above the anxiety disorder boards might work, but if not you could perhaps add some form of banner reminding people why its a good board - in that there will be tips & ideas in there as well as positive stories that may offer comfort?

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Re: Success stories seem to go unrecognised!

    I'm like Tessar, I tend to find the Success board via Active Topics.
    Otherwise I take a look on the same message boards each day.

    It's only when I see the success posts via Active Topics with 0 replies that I'll generally pop in there.

    So on my observations of my own habits it's Active Topics that makes me see the rest of the boards exist. Whereas observing the boards,
    I still tend to only see the boards I'm interested in and can skip over the others.
    So maybe, even if the success board was moved, the people who know exactly what board they're heading for, still won't even see it.

    Maybe Active Topics could be made a more prominent part of a users experience.

    It's difficult really. Lots of people arrive here anxious and know exactly what board they're interested in to get what they need. They're not interested in anything else.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: Success stories seem to go unrecognised!

    I only go on Active Topics and the page with my past posts on it to see if there have been further comments. I don't look at any other boards.

    I do post on Success Stories so I think it would be a good idea to bring them up to the top or highlight them or something on Active Topics.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Re: Success stories seem to go unrecognised!

    Oh i didnt even realise there was an active topics tab. Learn something new every day!

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Success stories seem to go unrecognised!

    Quote Originally Posted by Oosh View Post
    I still tend to only see the boards I'm interested in and can skip over the others.
    So maybe, even if the success board was moved, the people who know exactly what board they're heading for, still won't even see it.

    Exactly my thought really, everyone is so wrapped up in their own thing that even if you moved it, it would still be ignored!

    we have found that with the announcements forum or the technical forum...

    Eg when we had a problem with Java in the chat room, I posted in the Technical forum yet Nic and I still had about 30 members messaging us telling us there was a problem.

    I guess the crux of it is that people really need to be a little more observant when viewing the forum.
    Emmz xx

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