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Thread: Visual Disturbances

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    , , USA.
    I cant believe I actually found another site that has people with this flickering thing. I have had it for months and I thought it was part of my panic disorder because whenever I was more stressed, I seemed to see more of them. But, seriously I can go outside and see them all the time. It comes and goes on how bad they are and actually when I first wake up in the morning I dont see them at all outside (thats also the time of day I have the least anxiety). I had been to the eye doctor for an exam and to make sure it wasnt any kind of retinal detachment and they said they also thought it was an optical migraine...but I dont have it only sometimes...its there a lot. I believe it has to do with a decrease in blood flow to your eyes or brain. I read that a decrease in blood flow could cause the optical migraines and I also read that people with anxiety have a decrease in blood flow to the brain and face (bc its centered somewhere else in the body)....kind of like how some symptoms of anxiety disorders cause body parts to fall asleep and tingling sensations. What do you guys think? I am glad to see that it does seem to be just another symptom even though any doctor I have spoken to doesnt make the same connection. But, if you think about it...optical migraines are caused by stress as is anxiety.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    , , USA.
    Well I am so glad that I found this topic! I have been searching all over for some description of this weird vision thing, but hadn't found anything for months. I have almost constant sort of dark/flickery vision. I used to get optical migraines until my doc put me on propranolol, now I just have the flickery-ness. And yes, it does seem like not enough blood to the head, sort of like the tail end of a head rush. Has anyone found anything that helps? And FLOATERS. I am severly myopic, so it makes sense that I have floaters, but they came on at the same time as the weird overall vision and haven't abated. I head that floaters might be linked to muscle tension. Anyone know anything about these?
    My vision gets much worse in situations where I have to lecture, almost becomes tunnel vision.

    Thanks for the support of this!

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    I've noticed some quite weird things with my vision lately. They almost exclusively happen at night.

    I still experience what I can only describe as a dimming of my vision, although I can't see the difference between before and after - its very strange. Birds flying past the window behind me when the lights are off can mimic it during the day. I *think* its just my heightened sense of awareness mixed with shorts in electricity supply (causing the light to change), but then again I've never seen anybody report such a thing with anxiety.

    Another thing is that sometimes I'll awake from my sleep / open my eyes at night and the white bed covers will flash or flicker for a few seconds. Very disturbing - anyone else get this?

    The third thing is that when its dark and there's a single light source (lets say an LCD clock display), it plays huge tricks on my vision when I scan my sight across it. I get a duplicate of the image in the corner of my eye or flashes or something. Again, this is probably just something normal I've never noticed before, but it freaks me out completely.

    Optician said she could find no problems. Ditto for the neurologist.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    , , USA.
    I have another thought on this flickering. I also notice it when I look at the sky or blank walls. It is kind of a squiggly flickering. I believe that it is explained in at least some cases by this website. I do not belive that it is related to anxiety other than possibly by increasing the blood flow to the macular capillarys. This website explains:


    Hopefully this will explain your symptoms and alleviate your fears.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    , , Ireland.
    Hi there, it seems we are all having an aura that usually proceeds a migraine headache. I get them but never the headache, the visual distortion always appears in the corner of the same eye. Mine only last from a few seconds to a couple of minutes.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    , , United Kingdom.
    hi there

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    , , United Kingdom.
    hi there
    im new to all this ive been getting panic attaks for years but i only got the eye thing the other night is was terrible i was doing my house work and went to go to an other room when everything in front of me was all foggy then there were shape like things in front of my eyes i had a major panic attack and felt horrible all night does anybody no the reason for this i thought i was going blind then i took a sore head and thought i had a brain tumor the headache went away with painkillers but at the time it was terrible .joan

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi debbie

    I have had visual problems because of my anxiety for as long as I can remember. I used to get really freaked out about it all and think I was going blind. I find it worst when looking at the sky or a plain wall. It seems as if the whole thing is pulsating with little sparklies. I've had my eyes tested and they are fine. The optician said I'd just become too observant and what I was seeing was the actual blood flowing through the back of my eyes. I must admit it still freaks me out sometimes but I just sort of accept it now. I also suffer with floaters and occassional black spots which just last for a few seconds. Try not to worry. I think it's just another anxiety thing.
    take care

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi, i realise this thread has been going for a few years but still felt the need to reply. It is only recently that i've been suffering from anxiety attacks - i call them that because they have all the symptoms of panic attacks apart from hyperventilation - sometimes i wish i could have a full blown panic attack to release some of my tension- stupid i know!!! I found my anxiety became worse when i began to notice floaters which i was told by the optician were completely normal - i also see what i can only describe as halos around objetcs such as the tv - this can happen out of the blue and tends to bring on the panic and anxiety that i might be losing my mind. Reading these threads has really helped me - i now realise i'm not alone and hopefully not losing my sanity. Its a frightening thing to deal with at any age, being only 21 years old my friends cant really understand what im dealing with an sometimes i think there concern for me raises my anxiety. Its good to know that i am not alone in my visual disturbances and that it doesnt mean im losing my mind, as my friends seem to worry. These days when it does happen i try to refocuse my attention, to reassure myself that is is perfectly normal, that its part of a process of recovering from stress and soon it will pass. It sometimes hard especially as these days i feel like im in a constant daze - like i cant reallly focus/ nothing feels real. I wonder if anyone else gets this? What i started this thread to say was thank you for the reassurance that past messages have given - i feel a lot calmer and ready to tackle this problem

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