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Thread: trapped wind relief desperatly needed

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: trapped wind relief desperatly needed

    Also, for wind in your abdomen area -hot water bottle!! (plus the method macc noodle posted above helps! haha)
    "Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" - Jesus

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: trapped wind relief desperatly needed

    Quote Originally Posted by macc noodle View Post
    if you feel windy down below rather than burpy! ...... then kneel on the floor, put your hands out in front on you (on the floor) and stick your bum in the air, head down and do some deep breathing - any trapped bottom wind should release!!!!!
    Seriously, a very creative technique xD I am going to try this anyways because I have extreme amount of disturbing gas down below.

    I hope my fiance doesn't see me releasing gas in that position, that moment it will be the end of our relationship...

    Thanks anyways, hot water also sounds nice.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: trapped wind relief desperatly needed

    If its in your bowels, sit ups are the best way to shift it

  4. #14

    Re: trapped wind relief desperatly needed

    I am trying the hot water just now and it is helping a bit Thanks

  5. #15

    Lightbulb Re: trapped wind relief desperatly needed

    if you're in UK this really helps (not sure if drink is available in other countries, sorry)
    a very hot very strong solution of peppermint cordial - schwepps, available from tescos & co-op, about £1'70ish, usually bought as a mixer for alcoholic drinks.

    I make it up with at least 50% cordial then hot water, so its as hot as i can bear. works cold too but i didnt find it as effective.

    burps clear your wind very quickly - so effective i used to catch my young kids with a bottle having burping competitions.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: trapped wind relief desperatly needed

    If I ever had An awful tummy ache due tO traPed wind and nothing was abOut my only relief would come if I lay on my back and moisturiser my belly firmly in clockwise motion.. Random I know but tried it once and it worked ever since, usually takes half hour or so

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: trapped wind relief desperatly needed

    If you have a bath tub, full it up as much as possiable with warm water .
    If I've trapped wind in my tummy I find the bath seems to help shift some of it.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Re: trapped wind relief desperatly needed

    I was told by a nurse when I went for colonoscopy and was in agony with trapped wind, that a good method is to lie on your back , put your knees up and rock them from side to side. It did help a bit. xx

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Re: trapped wind relief desperatly needed

    Quote Originally Posted by macc noodle View Post
    Hot water is great and cheap!!!!! It really does work ................

    not sure if I should add next bit of advice ............. but here goes ..................
    if you feel windy down below rather than burpy! ...... then kneel on the floor, put your hands out in front on you (on the floor) and stick your bum in the air, head down and do some deep breathing - any trapped bottom wind should release!!!!!

    apologies if tmi!!!
    yes this is what i would have described. usually give me relief (not sure about anyone in the vicinity - they would probably run).

  10. #20
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: trapped wind relief desperatly needed

    Haha, this post has made me chuckle! Partly because the OP had trapped wind 3 years ago (!) but mostly because macc noodle perfectly explained what I would have suggested. I get my kids to do that and it always works (add a bit of hip swaying for maximum effect!)

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