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Thread: Morning

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Angry Morning

    Hi guys as some of u know ive been taking cit for nearly 7 weeks now, started on 10mg and gradually worked my way up to 30mg......well to cut long story short 30mg was tooo much for me and sent me over the edge so doc put me straight bk down to 20mg 8 days ago, I am slowly feeling better and friends/family say theyve seen a huge difference in me this week but im waking up and retching in the mornings, im not as anxious as i have been in the mornings (mornings have always been my worst) but the retching is really getting me down altho after ive done it i do feel a bit better if u understand that?? ive not had a panic attack since lowering my dose to 20mg but it seems my anxiety has now moved on to retching?? anybody else had this? I had a bad day yesterday (which was expected due to certain circumstances yesterday) and spent most of it feeling nauseas then running to the loo or sink (whichever was closest lol) to retch.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Re: Morning

    Quote Originally Posted by nicola1980 View Post
    Hi guys as some of u know ive been taking cit for nearly 7 weeks now, started on 10mg and gradually worked my way up to 30mg......well to cut long story short 30mg was tooo much for me and sent me over the edge so doc put me straight bk down to 20mg 8 days ago, I am slowly feeling better and friends/family say theyve seen a huge difference in me this week but im waking up and retching in the mornings, im not as anxious as i have been in the mornings (mornings have always been my worst) but the retching is really getting me down altho after ive done it i do feel a bit better if u understand that?? ive not had a panic attack since lowering my dose to 20mg but it seems my anxiety has now moved on to retching?? anybody else had this? I had a bad day yesterday (which was expected due to certain circumstances yesterday) and spent most of it feeling nauseas then running to the loo or sink (whichever was closest lol) to retch

    Hi Nicola

    I still get the odd morning when I need to cough or retch, a little nausea but it seems to pass during the course of the morning. People have said Ive started to smile again which is something I had'nt done for ages so I guess its working, hopefully these are the remaining side effects 4 us xx

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Morning

    Quote Originally Posted by bobcat View Post
    Hi Nicola

    I still get the odd morning when I need to cough or retch, a little nausea but it seems to pass during the course of the morning. People have said Ive started to smile again which is something I had'nt done for ages so I guess its working, hopefully these are the remaining side effects 4 us xx
    Thanks bobcat, hopefully fingers crossed xx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Morning

    Hi Nicola

    Sorry to hear you've been having a hard time :( I still get mornings where I feel really sick, although not as often as I used to. I've been on cit 5 months now, hopefully it will settle down for you too

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Morning

    Thanks vicki im having a good day today after my usual morning wobble so hopefully it may last, how are you doing? X x

  6. #6

    Re: Morning

    Hi, I still get this every now and again but not as much as the first few weeks when it was awful and to tell the truth I was afraid to eat in case it really did make me ill. Been on 30mg since June and it's been worth it....I think!!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: Morning

    Horrible horrible start the day ........had it often
    It will pass I promise ............but I found drinking a cup of lemon and ginger tea first thing helped ........if not soda water to help burp and get the churny wind up .
    To be honest once I allowed myself to just say ok I am going to retch and feel sick [sorry if tmi ] .........once over I knew then I would be feeling better . so dont try to hold back the feeling ...........get it over with and get that wind up .
    It is awful to wake with such nausea and i feel for you ......really do . but it will pass. Then sit quietly for a while and sip your tea or whatever and have dry biscuit like rich tea before you can face breakfast later .
    hope you feel better soon snow x

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Morning

    Thanks so much for all ur replies xx

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re: Morning

    (Thanks to a thread on here) I largely cured my morning retching and IBS by drinking 10ml of Manuka honey dissolved in a cup of very warm water every day for a few weeks. Now I only have to have it a few times a week, and I've mostly given up the daily Lansoprazole I was on too. I don't want another stomach camera, but I bet if they did one now my gastritis would be a whole lot better

    I'm not on cit though. That affects your brain of course so it may be different, but I'd say it's definitely worth a try! Before I cured myself naturally I was given a prescription for Buccatem by my stomach specialist. This also works on the brain (dopamine receptors I think), but after the honey worked I didn't need it anymore - haven't even finished the first pack I was given months ago

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Morning

    Quote Originally Posted by eight days a week View Post
    (Thanks to a thread on here) I largely cured my morning retching and IBS by drinking 10ml of Manuka honey dissolved in a cup of very warm water every day for a few weeks. Now I only have to have it a few times a week, and I've mostly given up the daily Lansoprazole I was on too. I don't want another stomach camera, but I bet if they did one now my gastritis would be a whole lot better

    I'm not on cit though. That affects your brain of course so it may be different, but I'd say it's definitely worth a try! Before I cured myself naturally I was given a prescription for Buccatem by my stomach specialist. This also works on the brain (dopamine receptors I think), but after the honey worked I didn't need it anymore - haven't even finished the first pack I was given months ago
    Hi thanks for that, ill give it a try, where do i buy it from? did u drink it first thing when u got up? xx

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