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Thread: Blood in Urine - Freaking Out!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Blood in Urine - Freaking Out!!


    I went for a Well Woman health check today and was told I have a trace of blood in my urine. She has said my GP will need to investigate but it is probably nothing. Well Dr Google tells me if could be anything from nothing to Cancer, which of course I am convinced it is!!!

    I have HA big time and particulalry stress about cancer. I am seeing my GP on Monday but feel like I will have a breakdown over the weekend worrying about this!

    Please reassure me someone.

    Thank you xx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Blood in Urine - Freaking Out!!


    Please dont panic
    I have has traces of blood and it was a simple urine infection i did not even know i had
    went for a blood test for diabeties

    There are 1,000 things it could be before cancer
    the chances are so small epecially if you have no other symptoms

    take care x
    yesterday is in the past.... Tomorrow is in the future... Today is a gift, thats why they call it the present x

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Blood in Urine - Freaking Out!!

    Thanks for your reply Marc.

    I do have lower back pain, but have had this for years and years. Apparently I had blood in my urine last time I had a Well Woman Health Check which was 14 years ago!!! So could I just be prone to it do you think?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Blood in Urine - Freaking Out!!

    sounds like
    if you have had it before and your back pain has been for years sure its nothing
    I am now prone to water infections now so could be

    Dont worry x
    yesterday is in the past.... Tomorrow is in the future... Today is a gift, thats why they call it the present x

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Blood in Urine - Freaking Out!!

    I have had a trace of blood in my urine my whole life, so has my mother. It's very common and can mean nothing. It shows up on the dipstick. As long as you don't see the actual blood, I wouldn't worry. If they want you to get tests, get them but if you have no signs of a bladder or kidney infection, don't worry. Sometimes I have way more than a trace on the sticks and am fine. I will say, if you want to prevent urinary problems, and this goes for anyone, drink a lot of water and don't smoke, worst things for the urinary tract system. Please don't think about cancer...I had actual blood last year, had a cystoscopy and a cat scan was convinced I had bladder cancer. They found nothing. Every doctor has always noticed a trace of blood and never sent me for further testing. They see this all the time...really. I don't want to go against what your GP says of course...if he suggests seeing a urologist and a cystoscopy (the gold standard for detecting urinary problems), get it done so you'll be reassured but I doubt that it will come to that. You may have been slightly dehydrated when they took your urine also, and the less dilution there is, the more the red blood cells will show up. Keep me posted but PLEASE get the cancer out of your mind. It is SO rare...I also googled this to death when I had the actual blood.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Blood in Urine - Freaking Out!!

    Very common with females as of course we have periods so sometimes there is blood in there.

    I have had it loads of time and it has always turned out ok the next time they tested my urine.

    You will be fine.

    “Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” - Natalie Babbitt

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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: Blood in Urine - Freaking Out!!

    Please try not to panic. I have blood all the time in my urine when it is tested. I have had it for a long time - sometimes more and sometimes less with each test that I have.. A lot of people have this problem and never know until they get told when they have a urine test. It can range from harmless to kidney problems to cancer as Google said, however that said, mostly it is harmless. Blood levels in urine can be different throughout the month too depending on what stage of your menstrual cycle you are going through. The levels tend to be higher before a period and just after and it is always best to get a first urine sample of the day when being tested.
    A lot of people who exercise a lot and atheletes can get it caused by shaking of the kidneys when running.
    I know how you must feel because I felt the same way too when I was first told. I found out I have a kidney disorder which is being monitored however it does not cause me any problems.I had kidney infections before and that prob caused it. A lot of people have blood in their urine and nothing is found ever to be wrong with them.
    All the best & try to relax and not think the worst even though I know that is sometimes easier said than done!
    Last edited by PoppyC; 02-10-09 at 23:47.

  8. #8

    Re: Blood in Urine - Freaking Out!!

    Hi there!
    I get a lot of urine infections and almost always have some trace of blood in my urine. Even when the infection has gone a tiny trace can sometimes appear on the dipstick. I had a very bad infection once and was passing quite a lot of blood in my urine. My urine looked like rose wine! I thought I was dying and was riddled with all sorts of hideous diseases. But it was just a nasty urine infection and 21 days of antibiotics did the trick. If you had blood there 14 years ago too I would suspect it's just the way you are. We all have funny little kwirks that are unique to our own bodies which may not seem normal to others but that's just they way we are made. My son has glands in his neck which are always swollen. No one ever found out why, it just seems to be the way he is! I kinda hope this helps. X
    I am trying to get to Normal Island but I seem to be swimming through a sea of treacle

  9. #9

    Re: Blood in Urine - Freaking Out!!

    My wife had blood in her urine last week. We phoned NHS24 and it turned out to be a simple (though painful!) urine infection. She has had problems with kidney stones in the past and that may be an underlying problem. She's on a course of penicillan and pain killers and is feeling better. I'm sure it will be something similar with yourself though I can understand why you are worrying.

    Good luck to you.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Blood in Urine - Freaking Out!!

    its good to read this post - i had red wee last week and have been worrying ever since, even though my HA was so much better. my docs dont seem worried but you always think ur gong to the one they missed
    Choco x

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