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Thread: Something on my dads chest xray PLEASE HELP

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Something on my dads chest xray PLEASE HELP

    I'm going out my mind.. CANCER..Honestly..someone help. are there any other things that could happen that shows as a mass on someones chest xray?

    It is ony small looking on the xray but theyre doing tests and stuff and I am breaking my heart. :'(

    He's had a pain in his chest at the left side near his ribs for over a week and we have been trying to get him to go to docs and we only managed yesterday.

    He was sick today apparantly in hospital and it was pinky and thick and yesterday he had been coughing up blood..

    I tried asking him what they thought it could be and they said that he had been for a scan and more blood tests and that they were gonna put him on iv drip things and that it could be a few things like a clot or something but I think he is masking stuff

    Me and my mum are besides ourselves.

    He has emphasema also and asthma. :'(

    I keep breaking down but trying not to infront of my dad. Trying to be positive etc but it's hard. I hope he is okay. I have forgot why I wrote this now.
    *Your eyes are crying the tears of an angel..your heart is breaking by the work of a devil*

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: Something on my dads chest xray PLEASE HELP

    i know its hard but try to stay positive till they have done there tests, it could be something as simple as a chest infection let us know how he is


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: Something on my dads chest xray PLEASE HELP

    It's so hard thougha s you say..I mean it;s fair enough that I jump the gun all the time but it's worse when my mum is crying too. :'(

    It almost makes it feel like it is confirmed.

    God. I can't stand it. And my dad is so vague with things and he gets confused easily.
    *Your eyes are crying the tears of an angel..your heart is breaking by the work of a devil*

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Something on my dads chest xray PLEASE HELP

    How old is your Dad? Just curious.

    I am sorry you are going through this right now. Him have asthma and COPD complicates things a bit and presents many different things that could be going on besides Cancer.

    I don't think honestly that your concerns are above and beyond anyone with or without anxiety issues. I think your feelings, suspicions and concerns are valid in a way that has nothing to do with fears or anxiety or health anxiety.

    I think you should trust the medical professionals. And, I think you should be strong for you and your Dad. I think you can and will be.

    I don't think you are jumping any gun. real things like spots on xrays, frothy sputum and blood are cause for real issues to be looked into. However, more times then not, everything isn't always, the end of the road ... it could be his COPD causing an infection or cyst .....

    Hang in there and take this one step at a time ...... I hope things work out well. ~M
    What in the hell happened?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Something on my dads chest xray PLEASE HELP

    chest infections and pneumonia etc often show as a white area on chest xrays. you are allowed to ask the doctor directly rather than waiting for information to filter through your dad. my dad recently broke his hip and the first couple days in hosp he was on meds... and talking all kinds of gibberish about things the doc said that he actually didnt. never assume the worst. x

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Something on my dads chest xray PLEASE HELP

    The fact that what he is coughing up is pink and frothy might be a good sign. Sounds like it might be pulmonary edema. Not good to have but better than cancer. Usually the blood that is coughed up when one has lung cancer is bright red blood.

    Sending you my best. My father had lung cancer, and I've been down the road with chest x-rays and the not knowing. Its an awful place to be. Come lean on us if you need to.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: Something on my dads chest xray PLEASE HELP

    just back from hospital visit tonight. he seems not not well if that makes he's eating a bit more and he is coughing etc but it isn't anything bad or worse..though he said he was sick this morning and it was pinky and thick..and I noticed his spit in a little tub..I know..and it was kinda white and frothy looking..He isg etting a screening for his bowels aswell. Oh and his age is 67.

    I just hate all this uncertainty.

    When we were in the a+e yesterday,it was so busy and in the middle of the place with the cubicles I seen an xray..and it was of lungs and i can't explain but i just KNEW it was my dads..just the outline etc AND there was a little round lump in the same place where he is sore. And I had to sit for another hour or two there knowing this info.. not sure if it was his but kinda sure..

    then later when we went up..he said something had came up in the xray.

    Thanks for the replies everyone. i just feel sick. one minute i think everything will be fine cos they just HAVE to be then the next im a mess. was out trying to get my dad some things at the shopping centre today and i kept breaking down. I wish I was strong for him. I wish i knew what was happening
    *Your eyes are crying the tears of an angel..your heart is breaking by the work of a devil*

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: Something on my dads chest xray PLEASE HELP

    oh he also cant use his left arm very well,when he moves it high up it is really sore for him..all on the left side
    *Your eyes are crying the tears of an angel..your heart is breaking by the work of a devil*

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Something on my dads chest xray PLEASE HELP

    Wee-Mee, I am thinking of you and hoping that results confirm a lesser problem that the one which you fear. My husband had emphysema a/COPD and when he got a chest infection his side and ribs ached and he coughed up mucus and blood. His x-rays always showed a shadow. He did not have cancer.
    Sending you hugs and willing you to stay positive. XXXX

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Something on my dads chest xray PLEASE HELP

    so although they have said something came up on the xray, the xray you saw wasnt necessarily even his? if this is the case then anything could have shown.... maybe it was bronchitis... or pleurisy, that causes pain in the infected areas.... have you seen his actual xray for sure?

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