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Thread: New fear of speaking crept in

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    New fear of speaking crept in

    Hi all,

    I've been posting about my anxiety symptoms with regards to my throat. I've been through all the usual symptoms but my fear was that my throat was so uncomfortable that I'd wretch (I'm an emetaphobe). Over the past few days I've realised that I'm now scared to speak and can't shape my throat properly through shire fear of wretching. I had a friend come over unexpected today and for a start I was a bit edgy, dry mouth etc etc but as I got going my speaking was ok but I was concious that I was continually thinking about it. Now he has gone I feel really panicky but realise I can speak but feel VERY anxious about doing so. How stupid is that?! I think it scares me so much because it's such a fundamental thing to fear and the thought of wretching whilst trying to speak to someone and even worse vomitting.... well the thought kills me. I have 2 more friends coming over tonight which is planned but I still feel really nervous about facing them even though I proved myself wrong and chatted for 4 hours earlier. I don't understand why the fear hasn't gone though, nothing can reassure me and take this feeling away which is what makes me feel so helpless and in fear.
    I don't think I've read of ANYONE on the net that has suffered the fear of speaking because it makes their throat feel horrible :(.

    Any thoughts or ideas anyone?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi mark.

    people have different fears through anxiety, you really need to distract yourself from these thoughts, i know that is easy to say, it is just your anxiety making you think like this cos you know in theory your not going to choke vomit or stop being able to talk, put some music on try and concertrate on it, something you really like, try and focus on your mates coming to see u and have a laugh not the bad things that could happen but be positive these things u think about arent going to happen so try not to let them get you down dont let them win

    hope it goes ok with your mates good luck big hug

    kairen x

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Mark,

    When I first became troubled with anxiety, I had so many symptoms and slowly found most of them were 'normal'.
    For some reason we have a need to know that our symptoms are not unusual.
    Unfortunately, some of our symptoms are hard to describe and, although doubtlessly experienced by others, are expressed in different ways.
    Loads of people have problems with speaking and throat symptoms, so dont worry that you are the only one.
    Try to relax mate, and know that you will be ok as you have just had a lengthy conversation and survived.

    Jude x

    Be gentle with just need some time to heal.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi there,
    try gently sipping water, do as suggested put some music on, try gradually to distract yourself, we all get different symtoms at different times The more you think about it, the worse it will become, you will not choke and you will be able to speak, try to relax (easier said then done i know) and enjoy your friends being with you. Explain that you are feeling a little anxious and try to enjoy their company listen to their stories, have a laugh etc...The reason it hasn't gone away is because you are continually thinking about it. .You will be fine, keep in touch.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    kairen, jude, carlin, thank you so much for your replies. My friends have just left and though I had the odd uneasy feeling, I forced myself to carry on chatting as much as I could. As you say, they are just symptoms that we concentrate on and make worse but can also seem like the end of the world. I never imagined that I'd find myself fearing something that I've always taken for granted. The word that I find horrible to say is "car"! "cool" is another one. All I can say is I'd hate to be French right now with how they use their throats in speech! lol

    Anyway, thank's again for listening to my rambles, it's great to get other opinions and I don't feel so "on my own" with this as it feels at times.

    Mark x

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