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Thread: Throat tickle - anxiety?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Throat tickle - anxiety?

    i'm in such a state again and if anyone can help I'd be soooo grateful!
    I have this horrible tickle in my throat which comes and goes and feels ..... I dunno..... sort of strange....... not like a cold or an infection. I'm terrified it's lung cancer or something, although I don't have a cough (yet!!). Could it be anxiety? Does anyone else get this? It does seem to go a bit if I don't think about it, and it's not there at night, when I am relaxed........ please please help if you can. xx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: Throat tickle - anxiety?

    omg, i could have wrote that post. I have the WORST tickle in my throat it feels like a hair is stuck in the back of my throat it causes me to clear my throat all the time and cough a litte. Do you have a 'blocked' feeling in your throat? Doc has said its acid reflux but i am going back on monday as its not budging. Its a physical symptom but it gets a lot better when i am not thinking about it, which isnt that often :(

    Hopefully its anxiety related or acid reflux?


  3. #3

    Re: Throat tickle - anxiety?

    Hi, I have a major worry with my throat, it is a constant sensation that feels kind of like a light fluttery spasm. I have had it for about 4 weeks and sometimes it also feels like someone is pressing on my throat. I have been to the drs and they said it was anxiety and a nervous spasm, without really even checking me, it has now become a constant worry that there is something wrong with my heart as i do get palpitations quite often. I have had heart checks in the past that all came back normal!! I do get so frustrated though when I go to see the dr and because of my past history everything is put down to anxiety!! what if it isn't?

  4. #4

    Re: Throat tickle - anxiety?

    A tickle in the throat is another anxiety symptom. Along with the feeling of heart palpitations, it most likely is the result of our poor breathing technique. When you have anxiety, it wrecks havoc on your breathing rhythm. I find that doing breathing exercises really help in all departments here. You can YouTube breathing exercises. The good ones employ some yoga with it. This does two amazing things. Gets you distracted from YOURSELF and resets your breathing so that these symptoms.....OVER TIME... will diminish. Anxiety is a long battle. It wont be cured overnight (my panic attacks were cured overnight when I listend to Charles Linden's audio tapes because of one thing he said. He said, in the middle of a panic attack, push it to the limits, make the panic as worse as you can, push it to its limits. Once you realize that its you who controls the panic attack, you can begin to control it away. I was panic attack free for a long while after that. I get small ones here and there, but I understand what they are and how to control them.) But through it, you will learn much about yourself and be the better for conquering it!

    Keep up the fight, your not alone and it happens to the best of us!

  5. #5

    Re: Throat tickle - anxiety?

    This is exactly what I am experiencing right now. I have a deep tickle in my throat as a result of a sinus infection. It has been with me for three days. My eyes are bloodshot....I have not slept at all. It is 3:19 am now and I am up because of my coughing. I am "sleeping' on the couch because my coughing prevents my wife from sleeping.

    I have tried everything....tea with honey/lemon, cough drops, cough syrup, gargling with salt water...nothing helps. The coughing becomes so violent that I see stars and come close to passing out. My hope is that the symptoms will end once the post nasal drip (from the sinus infection) stops.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: Throat tickle - anxiety?

    I've been getting a lot lately as well. Any one else?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Re: Throat tickle - anxiety?

    Sometimes if pollen counts are high throat tickles can occur as can itchy nose and eyes.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: Throat tickle - anxiety?

    i had a bad throat and a cough for a few weeks tried everything nothing worked ok so i looked up the internet and it says rub vick into the soles of your feet put socks on and sleep like that tbh i did laugh at it but was willing to try anything for a nights sleep done it and slept right though only thing is when i stoped the cough came back but think it a viris

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