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Thread: I can feel my pulse everywhere!

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Re: I can feel my pulse everywhere!

    I'm 23 and just last week my bp was 149/90. I'm sure it was anxiety.
    I was actually anxious about the pulse I could feel below my sternum. It was making a popping sound also!

  2. #22

    Re: I can feel my pulse everywhere!

    I get this quite frequently too. When I sit down with my legs crossed, I can see my foot moving with my pulse. It can be alarming, but like other people have said, it's just because we're more tuned in to our bodies.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: I can feel my pulse everywhere!

    I get this too. I noticed it a few weeks ago when I was sitting still and saw my hair moving. Now I am aware of it, but only when I am not active. If I am doing something then I forget all about it. I am trying not to read too much into it. I did a quick search on here and found a few posts about it xx
    Under no circumstances will I consult Dr Google for any medical advice whatsoever.

  4. #24

    Re: I can feel my pulse everywhere!

    Quote Originally Posted by Vanwinkle View Post
    Hi guys.

    I too am going through this problem right now. I'm determined though not to let it get to me. Since reaching my 'peak' of acute anxiety I have suffered every symptom going. Indegestion/stomach cramps, dizzyness/headaches, muscle pains etc etc. I've learnt though that it is only the mind that is causing this. Unfortunately it is true that people suffering with anxiety are very in-tune with their own body and its part and parcel of the problem that we become very introvert and self obsessive. The mind is a very powerful tool and as soon as you 'think' you feel something untoward the mind will undoubtedly focus all its attention on that perceived 'problem'. Normal people (and I apologise for using that term) will shrug this off - think nothing of it and move on with there thoughts and activities. Unfortunately us anxious people divert all our attention to it which inevitably heightens the effects of the symptom and sends us into a whirlpool of panic and self doubt.

    I speak from experience only but found when I 'thought' I had a problem eg. stomach pain for weeks after I had indegestion and cramps (thought I had stomach cancer, ulcers etc). Then one day I woke up and - nothing. I was fine. Then the dizzyness and headaches started and for the following weeks I thought I had a brain tumour or diabetes - everything under the sun. Then one day - suprise - I woke up and it was gone. Now its the heart beat problem and I have the same concerns of high blood pressure, heart attack! It is just the mind working over time. One day, when the brain realises I'm not going to die and that the heart beat doesn't bother me anymore this will stop and another problem will start. Its a vicious cycle!

    Ask yourself this - when you are really distracted does the problem persist or do you forget about it? Even if its just for minutes or seconds? If you possibly had a real problem this wouldn't happen (and I'm not suggesting you do!)

    The only answer is distraction, distraction, distraction! And if it does get the better of you - beat it down with a stick and keep telling yourself you're fine. *You are in control of you.*

    Whatever you do though, try and relax.

    Its a horrible feeling because you think it will never end - I'm the same but stay strong and don't let it get you down.

    Anxiety is the worst thing ever! I can never understand why my own mind would want to torment me so much?

    Hope this helps. Sorry to ramble on . . .
    Vanwinkle, it's great to know that I'm not alone in this. Thanks for the encouragement! I've suffered anxiety for quite a while. My anxiety levels have been so bad at times that i have actually lost consciousness. I create anxiety over nearly everything related to health. Once I lost consciousness at the doctors office just having blood work done. Another time was in the ER when the doctor was giving his prognosis about my mother. Shortly after she began, I began becoming light headed then just went out. I'm under a lot of stress which seems to really help feed my anxiety. You're right, it is the worst thing I have ever gone through. This is my first time on this site and my first post and just reading everyones comments and advice has really helped me to tell myself that I'm ok. I found this forum a few minutes ago while doing a Google search about feeling my pulse in my stomach, chest and throat. Like I usually do, I automatically think the worst so when I found this forum and realized it was just another symptom of anxiety, I have already noticed the symptom dissipating quite significantly and now feel much better!! The distraction of reading and typing this probably helped by getting my mind off of it as well. I read your post and really identified with it. Thank You!!!

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: I can feel my pulse everywhere!

    The way I see it is it means you're alive! I agree with the majority of posts saying you're hyper-sensitive and tuned in to it.

    Good Luck!
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  6. #26

    Angry Re: I can feel my pulse everywhere!


    I actually do feel my pulse everywhere in my body, as soon as I lay down or stay still I can start feeling my heart beat. It is really annoying , as it distracts me from whatever I'm doing.

    I used to suffer from this condition when I was in high school for 2 years and as soon as I went to university it went away, but for some reason it came back.

    I wonder if u feel a contraction at your testicles with every heart beat? Because I do and as a result whenever I urinate white penile discharge comes out, and it is driving me crazy!!

  7. #27

    Re: I can feel my pulse everywhere!

    Hey, I feel this too

    I think when people say it goes and comes back, its just you noticing it and focusing on it more than when you're busy or not at rest.

    Trust me, I have big heart fears (my dad had a heart attack a couple years ago) so my GP will always give me EKG or stuff like that to set my mind at ease. He says that its completely normal to feel it in other parts and strong.

    Also, a weird one, when I lay down and watch tv sometimes I will rest my arm above my head and grab my hair, and I will feel the pulse in my fingers as they are grasping. So weird!

  8. #28

    Re: I can feel my pulse everywhere!

    I got this for the first time whilst I was in hospital after having my 3rd baby. I had a c section had an ecg everything was fine (try telling that to a hormonal sleep deprived new mummy!!) It happened again last weekend again whilst I was in hospital, but this time I was staying there to be with my daughter who had just broken her arm! I must panic when im in hospital staying over. Luckily it didn't last very long as I moved my mind on to why I was there and there was nothing wrong with me!! Its a horrible sensation!! I get a rapid heartbeat after napping in the afternoon. I have no reason to believe its my heart as I can do a gym session and live to tell the tale! Just another one of those anxiety symptoms!

  9. #29

    Re: I can feel my pulse everywhere!

    im guessing you mean falling feeling in the tummy yes i get that mines the upper part of tum really feels rotten i think its a flash of adrenaline i also get the pulse thing i think we are all highly sensitive i wish i could unplug my nerves lol
    Last edited by bandsaw; 16-03-14 at 14:37.

  10. #30

    Re: I can feel my pulse everywhere!

    So did you guys overcome this awful symtom i have been dealing with this for a while too during my genral anxiety disorder
    Would really appricate a reply

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