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Thread: angry/irritated/mirtazapine 15mg

  1. #11
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    Dec 2009

    Re: angry/irritated/mirtazapine 15mg

    Ive been to docs today and he is adament my anger n irritation is NOT a side effect of mirtazapine. ~Ive never been like this in my life. ~Why is the doctor so sure that his little book of side effects is applicable to everybody? How can he say that and be so exact about it. I do not know the prescise sampling method for these drugs but Im not a clone for goodness sake. I am an individual.Im unique! Is there not the slightest possibility that it is causing my symptoms? Apparently not. Im very annoyed with this attitude as there is nothing different in my life other than this new drug. I am on my 15mg dose for another 6 weeks until my review. The doctor has advised me to take advice from the cognitive therapist on how to deal with my anger. I do not want to 'deal' with it, I don't want to have it in the first place, it isn't the normal me, it isn't part of my make up!Why should I have to accept this as the new me n 'deal' with it. This drug has caused it I am positive. ~The alternative ofcourse is to try another drug but I'm scared to. Ill persevere, Ill try to 'deal' the anger away....Im gonna have to stop now Im so angry!

  2. #12
    KK77's Avatar
    KK77 is offline NMP Complaints Mismanagement Controller
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    Re: angry/irritated/mirtazapine 15mg

    I believe you Smudger. I've read loads of posts where people have complained about anger issues on mirtazapine - although, yes, we're all individuals and obviously react differently. Perhaps you should have asked your doctor whether he'd ever been on mirtazapine. Because it's not a first-line drug of choice I don't think many GPs have a lot of experience with it. Is your doctor a GP or psychiatrist, because I feel it may be time to think of seeing another doctor?

    Never Surrender, Comrade

  3. #13
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    Jul 2008

    Re: angry/irritated/mirtazapine 15mg

    Hi Smudger. As you know I am currently taking 30mg of mirtazapine. I also have anger issues I think partly brought on by the drug and the rest is of my own making and part of my depressive illness. I am trying very hard not to fly off the handle but it is very hard. I don't want to get angry towards those I love or my work colleagues. My psychiatrist did suggest for me an increase to 45mg and I have discussed this with my GP today. The psychiatrist thought I still had some 'residual depression' and that an increase would clear that. What would it do for my temper though? I have had CBT in the past and if you can stay the course I'm sure you would find it very helpful. I am worried that an increase will mean that I go through all the wooziness and drowsiness again whilst my body adjusts to a higher dose. My guess is that your doctor will raise your mirtazapine if things do not improve for you as 15mg is a relatively low dose. I have been intolerant to many drugs and inspite of an earlier weight gain mirtazapine has suited me very well. It also combines well with the lithium I also take. If you can I would try to get some extra help with the housework and arrange for some time off for yourself. That way hopefully you will be a little less stressed. Something that has also helped me in the past is to practice a relaxation cd everyday. Try to get a referral to a psychiatrist who will be able to assess your medication properly. See another GP if necessary.

  4. #14
    KK77's Avatar
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    Re: angry/irritated/mirtazapine 15mg

    Quote Originally Posted by ElizabethJane View Post
    I have been intolerant to many drugs and inspite of an earlier weight gain mirtazapine has suited me very well.

    I'm interested to know how you've dealt with the weight gain EJ (I know you've mentioned WWs before). I was eating like a horse on it and just couldn't find a way to control it - has it just improved for you over time? If it wasn't for the WG I would have stayed on it as I've read papers that have found it to be one of the most effective ADs (along with sertraline, escit and venlafaxine I think).

    Never Surrender, Comrade

  5. #15
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    Dec 2009

    Re: angry/irritated/mirtazapine 15mg

    Hi. Thanks for your help. Melancholia77. The Doctor I'm seeing is attached to the the mental health unit where Im having cognitive therapy. In fact she is a 'junior' Doctor whatever thats supposed to mean. Yesterday she asked her boss if I could half my mirtazapine dose (my suggestion) to help my anger but he is adamant that it wont help and wants me to stay on 15mg for another 6 weeks n have cognitive therapy for my anger n anxiety (cant believe Ive got this as I'VE NEVER HAD IT BEFORE THIS DRUG.Ive agreed this as I don't want to change drugs again so early. I dont feel bracve enough to ask for another doctor.My appetite is still ENOURMOUS and its all for the wrong things ElizabethJane. I dont have things that cause me alot of stress. Im a mum n housewife so I have time at my disposal, its just normal things in life that I cant cope with (I feel so ridiculous really), like having kids to play, cooking for a party, shopping, housework. Its pathetic really! I have increased my exercise but my appetite is so big I don't think I'll loose any weight which I desperately need for body and mind.Today I saw the cognitive counsellor so Im keeping a diary til next Thursday rating my anxiety level 3 times daily til I see here next. I'll see how that goes for now. If the anxiety n anger goes then gr8, if not then I need to try somehting else.ElizabethJane did you crave foods that were bad for you or did you want big portions but not neccessarily inhealthy food?

  6. #16
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    Re: angry/irritated/mirtazapine 15mg

    Smudger, irritability is a recognised side effect of mirtazapine. Some doctors need shot - mine included, but that's another story. As Melancholia said, it could also be a withdrawal thing.

    It should go with time though. When I started taking Prozac (I know it's a different drug but thought it was worth posting anyway) I had a spell where I felt really ratty at the same time every day but it wore off after a couple of weeks. Glad you're feeling a bit better anyway

  7. #17
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    Re: angry/irritated/mirtazapine 15mg

    Thanks Jane. The junior doc handed me the 'bible' of side effects as I was so diagreeable! It wasnt in there but that proves NOTHING!Im still angry n irritable n its not imroving. Day 29 now!

  8. #18
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    Re: angry/irritated/mirtazapine 15mg

    Melancholia: I manage my weight by attending wws meetings and trying to eat healthily. The previous time I was on mirtazapine I managed to put on a stone a half. I lost this by dieting (I was off the mirtazapine at this time) I relapsed and went back on it and immediately started to put on weight again. Somehow I have managed to reverse thed trend. I managed to come off dothiepin and I think a combination of diet, exercise and meetings has mean't that the weight has come off and stayed off. I'm not pretending that it is easy because it is not. I do obsess about food but I enjoy my food so I could never become anorexic. I also know when to stop. It is hard in the snow as I feel hungry all the time!

  9. #19
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    Re: angry/irritated/mirtazapine 15mg

    Hi all. It's a DAY 46 and I just wanted to let you know that the side effects of mirtazapine are WANING at long last.Hurray!Still a little sensitive to people comments n have the odd blow up if somethings annoying me n a little drowsy in the morning but I can see improvements as the days go by! I cant believe it! I was in despair over xmas and early January, I didn't recognise myself and I've made some positive plans that I wouldn't even have considered back then. I really was so close to going back to the doc and asking for another medication. I've had a few horrible life experiences that I'm afraid for me don't compare with the despair I have felt in the initial stages of this drug BUT I've come through it. I have to tell you not because I'm bragging but to say that if you are suffering like I did and you can persevere then it may all be worth it. I know this won't work for everybody but for those of you who are feeling in a dark bottomless pit at the moment, it is possible to get better and claw your way back to the top....I wish you all the best in your journey...

  10. #20
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    Re: angry/irritated/mirtazapine 15mg

    Well done Smudger - so glad to hear you are feeling a bit better x

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