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Thread: acid reflux and throat probs

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    , , Australia.

    acid reflux and throat probs

    i just want to ask if anyone has had probs with thier throat that has related to acid reflux..i seem to be getting a lot of acid into my throat- no heartburn though...and im just wondering if it might be related to my throat problem...

    any help with this would be really about to go for a refferal to get the camera throat thingie..ugh...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi peach, I have had a sore throat for over 3 months now and its pretty scary as I am 58 and smoke too much, We had some bad luck with my son having an accident in the usa in July and since then I have seemed to smoke double since. I went to the doctor and had blood tests and he said my white cells where a little high which indicated an infection. He gave me a course of antibiotics and it did nothing, so he prescribed me some medication for ulcer that I think reduces the acid in the stomach as he said this can cause long term sore throat. He doesn’t seem to think its throat cancer and has made an appointment for me to have the same as you the camera to look down my throat. It’s not just a sore throat but it seems to spread to my neck and some days its pretty bed and we with anxiety problems always seem to think the worst. I am on this medication to reduce acid for 4 weeks but as yet it hasn’t made any difference. Let’s just get this camera to look at our throat and put our mind at rest? Take care, Vernon

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    just wanted to say that i have been having the same problems for a couple of years.

    Its hard to describe - but i get indigestion - but in the throat area!!!!!!

    i take ranitidine to help ease it.

    i think its an anxious symptom though.

    take care

    darkangel x is for living not just for surviving

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    , , Australia.
    thnx for your advice....i was googling the symptoms- i know,i know, not good idea...but it lead me to beleive that i might either have and ulcer like you migh have vernon, or possibly the acid reflux thing,im also on anitbiotics now and am doubtful they will take away the lump feeling just because i was given a weeks worth of them last year, and they did nothing...although in the last few weeks, my throat was feeling infected and making me not feel so perhaps they will help with that...i have also been using antacid tabs after meals in the last few days, and the lump has subsided, tho still faintly there...
    vernon, 3 months, your lucky- this has been going on for me now for 6 life is on hold because of it, oh and of course some mild daily to keep me on my toes...

    uni starts on mon, and it seems ill have to take the whole frist week off...such a bummer, we are all supposed to be going on camp for a week to an island...first the ferry,which i used to love i fear will emphasis my dizziness and then that there are only 2 ferrys a day- no escape if i have a pa......lastley, its summer here, and lately i seem to really feel heat exhaustion easily...its not fair, im on ly 32, but i feel 70,,like my body and mind ahve packed it in, and my life is over.every thing i used to enjoy i now fear...
    so sorry, i am just blabbering self indulgently...
    this is the only place where we can be honest tho....
    thanks again everyone!!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    , , USA.
    I suffered with the same issues for years before going to the MD. Im not a doctor but it sounds like LPRD, Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Disease, check out this link. easily treated with Prevacid or the like. Go to the MD put your mind at ease. Im just sorry it took so long for me to go.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    , , Australia.
    I take ranitide too.Seems to help/

    Don't believe everything you think.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi peach mine isnt the lump thing in the throat, Its more of a painfull sore throat. Gabes that was an interesting page thanks, TC all Vernon

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    , , USA.
    It seems like some sort of GERD or possibly a hiatal hernia which is nothing major. I seemed to always have indigestion way more than heartburn. It just means your upper esophageal sphincter isn't closing properly due to your stomach protruding slightly through your diaphragm. Sounds terrible, but other than having a medical term it is only a slight inconvience. With mine I involved Prilosec, diet changes (no harsh foods or liquids), exercise to lose excess belly fat which may push up the flluids, and sleeping with the bed raised, don't sleep on more pillows, actually raise the head of your bed so the stomach acid stays in your stomach. Just get it checked out. Upper GI issues tend to just be an annoyance than anything serious.

    Take care!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    , , USA.
    Also,try not to eat or drink anything at least a couple hours before bed. And try to maintain an upright position after eating through out the day.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    , , Australia.
    thanks for all the replys!!! much apprecicated!!!
    im not so worried headed to the doc tomorrow armed with all the info on LPRD- i looked up the info on that- thnks gabes, i actually have all of the symptoms going to ask if i can try the medication b4 i have to go for hte camera thing, im not scared, but honestly , the camera thing costs a fortune here, so ill see what she says...i dunno about the giving up chocolate part- i am mearly a woman, surely i cant be asked to give up that..

    fundly enough, im not obese, im only like about 10 kilos overweight, and yes, its all on my stomach, so it would make sense for this to be happening to me, although i didnt think at such a small amount of excess weight can start to cause me weigh associated problems...i am glad its that and not because im aging- im only 32, and have been worrying that my body is deterioating, and that my life is over already..i really hope its not, and not so fast either...
    thank you all so much for your help with this one!!!

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