Hello everyone. I have had Anxiety for over a year now, the worst part of the panic attacks have calmed down now for a while, yet my anxiety still peaks when i am driving, especially on a motorway.
I have always known myself to over think things and repeat things over and over in my head, just random little things....but most of the time my thoughts are very distressing and i get very frustrated and upset with them - but cant stop thinking about them at the same time.
These thought are majorly about death. I am petrified of dying....whenever i am driving - i fear that i may lose control of the wheel on the motorway and have to get off the next turning to calm down. I always worry about the death of my family - sometime i have scenarios in my head that my whole family will be wiped away and only me left, and how would i cope with that - which disturbs me, but annoys me even more i cant stop thinking about it.
My thoughts swap and change from different scenarios - If i hear a story on the news if something bad has happened to someone and caused pain to others...the image grows and grows in my head. My most worrying one is stories about pedophiles, so when i hear about them i cant stop thinking about how awful it is and then the more and more i think about it I feel like i am strange for thinking of stories like this in the first place.
Basically i am worried about my over thinking and the pain and frustration i get from these thoughts. I would never do any harm to myself or others, but these thoughts have scenarios when i may be present and that freaks me out even more.
I have been reading threads and curious into whether these sounds like 'intrusive thoughts?' - - My anxiety does shift from time to time and affects me in different ways....but these thoughts are just horrible :( and i feel like a bad person for thinking of them.
Please help and explain why i am thinking like this :( I lead a very happy life so i cant understand why these thoughts would come across :( death scares me so much...well the thoughts of them do
Thanks xx