Hi everyone, I have suffered from anxiety for about 3months now due to a fainting episode at work (which tured out just to be a virus). Everytime I got a chest pain I thought I was having a heart attack and everytime I felt faint I thought I was going to die. I was very scared of death (always have been) thinking what's the point of doing this and that if we're all gnna die one day. Now for the past week ever since my Mum told me my Dad tried to commit suicide years ago I couldn't seem to get it out my head. Now I have thoughts of me taking pills but I know I would never do it. I'm a happy person and have a good life. My thoughts then turned to grabbing a nife and stabbing my Mum or harming someone at work. Can I just mention my Mum is the most important person in my life and I would NEVER hurt her. I always wondered and detested people who could harm another person. These thoughts have now gone but the suicide one's have come back. Now I have thoughts about strangling myself. Does anyone else have these thoughts? The more there in my head the more I feel it's real. I feel like I'm going mad. I'm so scared of being so out of control I'll do something stupid and not realise I'm doing it. I get scared being alone. I don't want to commit suicide and I know I'll never act on these thoughts but they're scaring alot. Please help anyone? xxx