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Thread: throat !!!

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    I get it too and I am not anxious. Went to docs and he said I could be anxious and not even know it or a bit stressed and not realise.

    If you really don't think it is that then go to the docs and they will check it out for you. Best to get it checked out if you are so worried.

    You will not stop breathing even though it feels like it.

    Not sure what the clicking is in the throat so again mention that to the doc.


    "Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    I understand what you mean with funny sensations around the throat area. I too have suffered this over the last couple of weeks, which is a new symptom for me. I did speak to my GP about it and she said is was classic anxiety symptoms as well as Meg advising that too.

    My symptoms feel like my throat is blocked and I have this constant need to clar my throat or cough to try and clear it. I also find this throat feeling is linked to tension in my chest as I have felt my chest get tight and sore too. Also, when I take deep breaths I feel a fluttering sensation around my heart region but I dont really feel my heart is racing or whatever. Are these all linked?

    I am trying not to think that there is a lung or heart problem. Does anyone understand what I am talking about?


  3. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    These are similar to my symptoms Sadie. My throat tension seem to be linked with other bodily symptoms when I feel anxious and I too get the fluttering in my chest sometimes. I know what it is though and just ignore it now, I wish ignoring the throat thing was that easy though!

    Gems21, you say that your throat feels worse when you press it or put your chin on your chest. On bad days for me, I can't even bear to turn my head for the choked feeling I create for myself let alone put my chin on my chest, sometimes when it's been really bad I've not been able to bear wearing a normal t-shirt and have worn a v-neck so my throat doesn't have material near or touching it!

    Everytime I swallow today I had a hard bumping/click just above my adams apple when I swallow and I know exactly what it is. The best thing is to try and ignore it which is very much easier said than done!

    Hope this helps...


  4. #14
    Join Date
    May 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Gems,

    Chances are its anxiety, but if you are worried and cannot seem to get reassurance, then maybe it is best to get it checked with your doctor.

    Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

    Emma xx

    Keep focused, keep positive.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    By all means get it checked out to reassure yourself from your doctor but globus hystericus is a classic anxiety symptom and when you stop focussing on it so much and learn to relax a bit more it will ease.

    You will not stop breathing ..

    Do read the links Nic posted as they contain tips to help make it easier to manage it as well as many others experiences with a similar issue.


    Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
    Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    , , USA.
    I have had a similar problem of this throat clicking. It started 4 months ago and I convinced myself I had throat cancer. I am sort of a cyberchondriac and after reading throat cancer symptoms, which are so vague, I thought for sure I had it. I went to the doctor and checked for cancer, and she told me I was fine. She ran a series of blood tests to put my mind at ease and checked my thyroid. Everything came back fine and it went away once the tests came back ok. Then a month ago the clicking came back and its been bothering me ever since. My g/f's dad is a dentist and I asked him if he knows what it could be and he said that its a pretty weird problem. He thought that maybe something with the hyoid bone was rubbing, or there is a tube of some sort, I don't remember what he said the name of it is, but it runs close to the hyoid bone but sometimes it can get pressure put on it and when you swallow it could pop like your ears do. He didn't know why it didn't happen all the time, but just when I swallow saliva. Its really annoying but as long as its not going to kill me is a relief.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi there!

    This has been one of the main manifestations of my anxiety. It's extremely common and casued by muscle tension, which you ironically make worse by worrying about it and consequently add fear to fear. No matter how tight you feel your throat getting, you won't stop breathing.
    I've had it for 4 years (although it's much better now) and I've not stopped breathing once!

    Distraction is good for this, i.e doing anything but worry about your thoughs!) but acceptance of your symptoms is the key. By saying 'OK I feel like crap, but thats to be expected as I'm anxious', you aknowledge you are feeling bad because your anxious, instead of 'I've got a tight throat and I must be suffocating!'
    Carry on with what your doing, show utter contempt for panicky feeling and float through.



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