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Thread: Can anxiety make me feel this ill?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Can anxiety make me feel this ill?

    I have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks for about 16 years on and off.
    I just wondered if anyone else has experienced this:

    After going through a stressfull period, through which I've managed to cope, with the odd panic attack, once everything's settled down and I can relax, I start to feel really ill. First I get dizzy spells and then I start to feel as though I'm coming down with flu except the flu never materialises. I just feel as though I have a low grade fever with a head ache for most of the time and it can go on for weeks and weeks.

    It's happened three times to me. Last time I went for all sorts of blood tests because I was convinced there was something very wrong with me. They couldn't find anything and my husband decided to take me away on a holiday. On the first day there all my symptoms disappeared.

    I've had a very stressful few month since Christmas and now that things are back to normal I've started feeling ill again. I want to put it down to anxiety but there's still a niggling little voice in my head telling me there's something medically wrong.

    Please, if anyone has experienced this, tell me about it. I just need some reassurance and if I know what it is I'll just put up with it knowing it'll eventually go.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Can anxiety make me feel this ill?

    I get like this.. am feeling a bit like it this week...I have had a few palpitaions these last couple of chest feels a little tired and i feel like i could be coming down with the cold which i know i'm not it's just my anxiety..

    The physical symptoms are terrible i hate it.. your not alone x x

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Can anxiety make me feel this ill?

    Thanks for replying. I don't want to carry on about it but I've read through all the symptoms I can find and although I can relate to alot of the other things like chest pains, numbness in hands, breathing problems, head-aches, tummy problems - nowhere have I seen this particular problem of feeling feverish and flu-ish.
    I had it once just after my dad died and the doctor said it was post traumatic stress - but even on that site I can't find this symptom.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Can anxiety make me feel this ill?

    Anxiety is a curse. It can cause all sorts of things. I feel for you as I have suffered with it for quite sometime. I send you my support

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Can anxiety make me feel this ill?

    just being on here and reading up on what others are going through has helped me to calm down alot.
    The trouble with these symptoms is that one never knows whether it's something serious or whether one should just ignore it because it's due to anxiety.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    , , Australia.

    Re: Can anxiety make me feel this ill?

    Hi Beck
    I get this too though not for weeks at a time
    I call it "after shock" as it appears after having coped with stressful situations.
    Don't believe everything you think.

    Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Can anxiety make me feel this ill?

    Do you feel very tired after going through a stressfull time. I'm feeling so tired all the time at the moment. Just not sure whether I should bother the doctor about it or not.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Can anxiety make me feel this ill?

    I was diagnosed with GAD a couple of years ago and just recently have been anxious all the time. I am tired all the time and have made a Dr's appoinment about it just to check I'm ok as I am a bit worried (more tired than usual with my anxiety).

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Can anxiety make me feel this ill?

    Quote Originally Posted by becky000 View Post
    I have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks for about 16 years on and off.
    I just wondered if anyone else has experienced this:

    After going through a stressfull period, through which I've managed to cope, with the odd panic attack, once everything's settled down and I can relax, I start to feel really ill. First I get dizzy spells and then I start to feel as though I'm coming down with flu except the flu never materialises. I just feel as though I have a low grade fever with a head ache for most of the time and it can go on for weeks and weeks.

    It's happened three times to me. Last time I went for all sorts of blood tests because I was convinced there was something very wrong with me. They couldn't find anything and my husband decided to take me away on a holiday. On the first day there all my symptoms disappeared.

    I've had a very stressful few month since Christmas and now that things are back to normal I've started feeling ill again. I want to put it down to anxiety but there's still a niggling little voice in my head telling me there's something medically wrong.

    Please, if anyone has experienced this, tell me about it. I just need some reassurance and if I know what it is I'll just put up with it knowing it'll eventually go.


    this is exactly how I get. It starts the same way but on top of that I get more symptoms after a while the more anxiety I get. I think some of the symptoms might be stress also.. but I put them all in the same catigory.. stress, anxiety and depression.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Can anxiety make me feel this ill?

    Quote Originally Posted by becky000 View Post
    Do you feel very tired after going through a stressfull time. I'm feeling so tired all the time at the moment. Just not sure whether I should bother the doctor about it or not.
    tired is an understatement.

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