I've had minor issues with my vision, mainly things that once I "got over" them they essentially disappeared or didn't bother me anymore. I went to the eye doctor a couple of weeks ago, and he seemed like everything looked just fine (didn't say that anything was off) although he typically says that I have great eyesight in that, though I need contacts, my vision isn't worsening - this time he just said that I had the potential for better that perfect vision and left at that.

Perhaps I'm stressing over that a bit much :/.

Anyway, I've noticed over the past couple of days that in my right eye, and my right eye only (which my right eye is much worse than my left and always has been) seems to see sort of a foggy glare around lights. Not all lights, but I've noticed it when I'm looking at a bright window or at the Christmas tree. It's noticeable when I compare my two eyes, and having my contact in or out doesn't seem to affect it (And, maybe I'm just stressing to the max but it feels as though my right eye was worse this morning in vision without my contact, but with it in it's fine, so I may have imagined it).

I have spent a good deal of time on the computer, and as it's finals week that won't change until after Thursday. My contacts do also tend to dry out really easily, but I can't imagine it's a simple dry contact as removing the contact doesn't seem to help much.

As you can tell, I'm absolutely the type to worry and fret - so any similar experiences or words of encouragement? I'll go back to the doc if it continues, but I don't want to appear to be too much of a hypochondriac. I've googled some, which I know is bad, but have only really found people who say the worst it could be is the wrong prescription.

Anyway, I'm open to ideas. Thanks.