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Thread: Anxiety or Heart Problems or Neuropathy??

  1. #1

    Anxiety or Heart Problems or Neuropathy??

    Hi all! I still do not believe this is actually anxiety symptoms are so strange and very real as I do know symptoms of anxiety are very real as well, but I a have turned into a different person over the last 3 months (that also seem like a blur) ..I had a miscarriage and then suddenly became ridden with horrible feelings in my body, no energy (there were days I couldn't do ANYTHING, BUT lay down), tingling, upper back pain, arm pain,chest pain, headaches, cold hands, cold feet seems I feel better in some ways, but then again I still feel SICK like there is something serious going on, but like I said my days have been a little better, so maybe I am on the road to recovery or at least I hope so anyway for the sake of my son and husband and myself! I used to be so creative and energenic and fun and now since this started 3 months ago I haven't even wanted to leave the house not even to shop and who doesn't love shopping ..I find if I have had some drinks the next day after I feel horrible like the pains I get are intensified 10 fold which leads me to believe I have an illness! I have had 2 ekgs on different occassions, blood tests, 2 chest xrays on different occasions, blood pressure has been checked a fair amount of times and urine tests ..I go for a stress test next week, but I fear something will happen to me before then! These feelings I have hurt me so badly I cant even do half the working out I used to do I am just tired :( Getting out of bed in the morning takes me an hour! That is after getting enough sleep I think anyway I know I do wake up on and off through the night though! Somebody help me accept this or give me some insight that this actually could be an illness of some sort even if it is Neuropathy from alcohol abuse?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Anxiety or Heart Problems or Neuropathy??

    Hi Scared...

    I'm sorry to hear you're hurting :(

    I've had cardio-vascular disease for many years. Suffered two heart attacks, had bypass surgery and most recently (Oct 2012) stents. Heart problems are unmistakably obvious not only to medical professionals but to the person having them as well I assure you.

    I also suffer from neuropathy due to chemo treatment during 2013. It's a pretty nasty ailment that affects my feet. They're pretty much numb and cold all the time but despite the numbness, I get these stabbing ice pick pains in them. I take meds to help with the nerve pain. Again, it's an affliction that's most often the result of other physical ailments or treatments so it would be pretty obvious if you had it and medical professionals would be able to pick up on this.

    Now certainly I'm not a doctor nor mental health professional but it would seem to me, based on what you're saying and what you experienced, you may be having some PTSD/depression issues. I went through some depression recently due to the after effects of my cancer and it sure sounds that way to me. Being that medical testing has not found anything sinister going on, it would affirm my suspicions.

    Seeking help in the form of therapy, perhaps CBT, meds or a combination thereof may be beneficial.

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  3. #3

    Re: Anxiety or Heart Problems or Neuropathy??

    I am sorry you had all of those problems, you are certainly a strong person! Much love and respect to you!
    Thanks for the response, I appreciate it! I just get all of the symptoms on a daily basis and this has been on going for months it scares me to no end :( the neck pain, the shoulder/upper back pain, dizziness and upper arm pain and the intolerance to workout like I used to really leads me to believe there is a problem with my heart and I cant wait to go for my stress test! Are these symptoms similar to any that you had experienced before finding out you had cardio vascular disease? I get pains in my chest to the left side mostly here and there and I have hardly any energy I used to be able to go non stop during the day between household duties, exercise, arrands and playing with my son and getting outside, I am just so scared!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Anxiety or Heart Problems or Neuropathy??

    Here's the thing. If indeed this has been going on for "months" you'd be a very sick individual by now concerning your heart. Unfortunately, anxiety symptoms mimic heart issues. The fact that you've had clear tests thus far affirm my opinion. Drinking will definitely increase the symptoms of anxiety.

    I had no issues prior. In fact, I was in phenomenal physical shape. It was all of a sudden and BAM! Heart attack and 5 days later bypass surgery. In retrospect, there were some tell tale signs before my second heart attack. No pain but a general fatigue which I attributed to working alot. I did a lot of 18 hour days. And it wasn't the crippling fatigue you describe. I was just tired. I felt better on days when I could get a good 8 hours of sleep. But it was not even close to what you describe.

    I'm quite sure the stress test will be clear as well. Based on the traumatic event in your life (I'm so sorry for your loss), and the subsequent appearance of your symptoms, it logically points to an anxiety issue. The fact you're posting these symptoms on an anxiety forum further affirms the real issue.

    I hope you feel better soon.

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Re: Anxiety or Heart Problems or Neuropathy??

    Two things have happened to you - your body has been under strain and hormonal change and you have gone through emotional trauma. Both of these things can cause chronic pain and fatigue. At your age as a woman, traditional heart disease is highly unlikely. Has your doc ordered an echo?

  6. #6

    Re: Anxiety or Heart Problems or Neuropathy??

    Thank You for the reassurance!
    I am scheduled for a stress test with a cardiologist next Wednesday so I hope that will put my mind at rest if it comes back clear

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