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Thread: Allergic reaction after every food fear :(

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Allergic reaction after every food fear :(

    Im the same - im slightly better than i used to be but i still carry piriton in my bag just in case x

  2. #12

    Re: Allergic reaction after every food fear :(

    Hi I am new to this and thought id give it a try. I am a 25 year old female and for 10 years I have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks. Through the years mine have changed it went from fear of doing toilet in public places then it was agoraphobia and I didnt leave the house for 5 years. It took its toll as I was just a teenager and couldnt live. It settled down for a couple of years and I felt like I could live again I was on medication at this time which really helped. So the beginning of the year I thought im ready to come off this medication so I stopped it for about 2 weeks and suddenly it all came flooding back. I am now worse than ever I never go out and think about it constantly, I have also developed a new fear of everything I hate using soap or certain make ups and I hate to eat as I always think im goig to have an allergic reaction. Everytime I drink or eat I think oh no my throat is closing. It is the most worst feeling ever. My partner does not understand one bit he thinks I am nuts!! I wish he could understand my general fear of all of these things. Ive been back to doctor he gave me anti depresants but I cant take them I have a general fear of a reaction. Im trying to train my brain into positive thinking but it is not working I used to be the happiest person as a child I just feel as if my life is meaningless now as I live in constant fear. I just need someone to talk to who understands what I am going through. Thanks.x

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Re: Allergic reaction after every food fear :(

    I just sniggered to my self ,absolutely unreal, it's almost as if we are all the same person, I thought I was the only one that did the parking outside of A&E thing just incase something happened to me :/
    I could never tell anyone this as people would completely think I am nuts!
    My hubby has just made a beautiful prawn and fish curry and I'm sitting here worrying myself, I'm scared of having a reaction ! why can't I just look forward to this meal and enjoy it with my family rather than sweating and trembling and going onto no more panic looking for reassurance ... Sooo tiring !!!!
    Healing thoughts guys !

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Allergic reaction after every food fear :(

    This sounds silly, but I will tell you. I am allergic to broad beans.
    They were my favourite veg as I have eaten them when I was younger.
    I could not work it out at first, but it was them that were the culprit.
    I itched all over. my hands and body, with red blotches.
    Also I have been stung by a drone on my neck one summer not long ago.
    Luckerly my neighbour who is ex nurse took me to the doctors.
    Because my breathing was not affecting me I was ok. Just the hives and itching
    took it ages to get back to normal.
    I always have the antihistamine in the house and handbag.
    I am ok with other foods and I don't panic about it now, as long as I have
    the tablets with me.
    A lady who lives up the road has kept horses for many years.
    Suddenly she has a allergic reaction to them????? xx

  5. #15

    Re: Allergic reaction after every food fear :(

    When I read that someone said they try foods in a "safe place" like an ER parking lot. I immediately felt as if I were in like company. I'm 30, generally healthy. I started developing allergies in my mid 20s and they kept adding more unsafe foods, environments, etc that I am allergic to. I have had 3 anaphylaxis' 1 that keoy me hospitalized. Because of those reactions and remembering the feeling I had when having those reactions I am terrified of everything. I don't eat out my food selection is limited, even the smell of known allergens in goods causes anxiety for me. Which is also new to me. I've never been anxious or experienced anxiety until a few weeks after my last reaction. I have lost 38 lbs in 4 months, I'm constantly tired, I have an epi-kit with benadryl, and pepcid on hand always. I take benadryl before every meal. I'm a nurse and u rationalize my fear. But I myself driving to ER parking lots to have a meal and fighting back my panic for 20-45min in the parking lot convincing myself not to go it. If I cough once or have a tickle in my throat more benadryl. I have had reactions before and have been treated with steroids and epi, but I believe everything will cause a new one. I don't know how to move forward without fear. Last night I asked a friend to cone with me somewhere and I meeant store she said yes. I asked her don't you wanna know where before you say yes? She replied well prob to the ER because something got into your bubble (she teases me that I'm bubble girl) and you are thinking you are going to die.
    I too avoid thing I'm not even allergic to. I stay away from restaurants or eating out. I don't even trust my own cooking. My kids know how to give an epi pen and if I cough they say mom do you want your benadryl. Its sad and hard. I feel very alone. I feel very afraid of having another anaphylactic reaction.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Allergic reaction after every food fear :(

    I've got this too. Doctors said it was my OCD as I have contamination fears about poisons and drugs, especially on my food. After I eat, even if its something I've ate a million times in the past, I sit in panic for 5 mins to see if I take a severe reaction and when I don't, I still sit in panic for a few hours in case I have been poisoned in some way even though I know I haven't. Its just an intrusive thought I can't get rid of.
    C-PTSD (Complex Trauma), OCD, Panic Disorder, GAD

    "Save your sympathy for someone else. I don't need it or want it. What you call a panic attack is merely a few normal chemicals that are temporarily out of place in my brain. It is of no significance whatsoever to me!"

    "Recovery always lies ahead - however painful the moment"

    "Recovery lies in the places and experiences you avoid"

    Dr Claire Weekes.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Allergic reaction after every food fear :(

    I am the exact same, I stopped eating loads of things I ate 2 bags of cashew nuts one day and ended up with orange oil in my stools - caused by consuming too much fat im guessing but since then iv convinced myself im allergic to nuts,fish and medications I ended up in hospital with a really high temperature and got given paracetamol and saline through IV ( while during a massive panic attack) and got myself so worked up I thought I was going to die cause of an allergic reaction. I hate Anxiety for what it makes you think :(
    Diagnosed with: Complex PTSD, Depersonalization/Derelization & Chronic Anxiety

    Recovering from my conditions and looking to the future.
    I am not very active but do try to reply to mails.

  8. #18

    Unhappy Re: Allergic reaction after every food fear :(

    I see that this thread is very old but hopefully you'll still respond. i am having the exact same thing happen with me. I had eaten shellfish my whole then when i got older i developed an allergy to it where i feel my throat getting tight. so i recently ate boston which sells no seafood and i felt my throat tightening like 10 minutes later. Im so confused now because every day I'm eating less and less because i have this bad anxiety and i think like " what if I'm allergic and my throat closes and die" smh. It has literally consumed my life to the point i don't want to go out to any restaurants or go anywhere because i think ill have a reaction. I never use to be like this but I can barely sleep and it won't go away. i went to the ent doc and they checked my throat and it is fine and i now have an epi pen but my throat is still sore and feels like its closing every time i try to eat and i run to the er just for them to tell me I'm fine. pleaseeeeee help me , what happen what did you end up doing. did you get over it??????? thank you i hope you can respond.

  9. #19

    Unhappy Re: Allergic reaction after every food fear :(

    I know that you posted this years ago but what did you to do to overcome this? Because everything you have described is exactly what I do and how I feel and it is driving me crazy! I've been like this for about 3months now and it seems to be getting worse over time x

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Allergic reaction after every food fear :(

    Omg I can’t belive what I’ve just read I thought I was like only person well in my town anyways I worry and worry about everything make sure if I want try something eat somewhere safe I’m trying to get in my mind if I had reaction that it would happen as soon as because normally it does it’s horrible but it’s very rare thing to become allergic I’m trying think positive but more I think more it’s gets worse anyone had any help to solve the problem xx

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