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Thread: mouth/tongue

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    hey guys, it's me again with more problems in my mouth that is really starting to drive me crazy. i have had this mouth ulcer that i got on friday and today all though it doesn't seem to be as painful as it was, it's still there and i'm starting to think its serious, any ideas? also...i was googling mouth ulcers and it said that they are an early sign of mouth cancer so thats really freaked me out. also...i keep getting these small cuts or sores on tongue that are worrying me. any ideas how to cope with this and what i might be suffering from?
    Please reply ASAP
    Many Thanks
    Louise xx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: mouth/tongue

    My mouth ulcers can last a week sometime, they're usually a symptom of being run down, have you got a cold or anything at the moment? They're harmless usually and self-limiting.
    Like for instance, at the moment I have a cold and the entire borders of my tongue are covered in mouth ulcers which always happens when I'm ill.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: mouth/tongue

    no i don't have a cold, anything else thats causing these problems? because i really can't cope with this constant worrying.
    Please reply
    Luv Louise

  4. #4

    Re: mouth/tongue

    I get ulcers all the time. My dad gets them too. Some people are just more prone. I really would not worry especially if its not as painful as it was. I've got one right now and know that it will go over the next week. Please dont google because you can type in anything and find out you've got cancer! Best wishes- hope you feel better soon. xx

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: mouth/tongue

    hiya mouth ulcers feed off sugar so if you eat alot of sugary stuff then thats wots happening, my son gets them quite a bit. but dont worry it will go try gargling salt water 3 times a day on it, that really helps to kill it hugs xxx

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: mouth/tongue


    I have a really sore mouth ulcer at the moment. I dont normally get them so i was a bit worried.

    Then i thought i am bit run down and have had fair bit of sugar past few days so putting it down to that.

    please try not to worry.

    love mandie x

  7. #7

    Re: mouth/tongue

    Quote Originally Posted by louise0501 View Post
    also...i was googling mouth ulcers and it said that they are an early sign of mouth cancer so thats really freaked me out.
    If you google mouth ulcers and ebola you will see that one of the common signs of ebola are mouth ulcers.... But it is extremely unlikely that you have ebola unless you are living in Africa, have a high fever and blood is running uncontrollably from all over your body and the rest of your village has the same problem.

    It`s the same with mouth ulcers and cancer... It might be that it is a sign if you have cancer but there are other and thousands of times more likely reasons for your ulcers including the obivious one that some of us get those ulcers often for no particular reason. Try not to worry (I know how hard that is...), it is no reason to think this is cancer!!

    I don`t know if you read my answer in your previous thread because I was a little late there but I copy it here:
    My first post here:

    I actually had a pre-stage mouth cancer when I was 21. It was something I hadn`t noticed at all (because if it`s cancer it doesn`t hurt). My dentist noticed it and an oral surgeon removed it. It was really no big deal. It only hurt for a couple a days after the surgery and it was a pain to remove the stitches under my tounge (mostly because I did it myself because I went on a hiking trip after the surgery to get my mind of things)....
    My point is: Your dentist would have picked this up a long time ago if it was anything to worry about and when he says it isn`t I would have tried to trust him. And: Cancer in the tung etc. doesn`t hurt but a lot of other blisters etc. do. I have had lots of those after this surgery episode but it`s never been anything remotely dangerous even though it hurt a thousand times more than my almost cancerous bump (which I didn`t feel at all...).

    P.S: English isn`t my mother tongue but I hope it possible to understand me anyway...

  8. #8

    Re: mouth/tongue

    I just like to add in case this pre-cancer stuff scares someone:
    It didn`t look remotely like a blister at all. Also it didn`t hurt, bleed or anything and it would have taken a lot of years before it might have turned into cancer. So: it was no save in the nick of time and therefore you have plenty of time for a dentist or a doctor to detect it before it turns into something remotely dangerous...

  9. #9

    Re: mouth/tongue

    I get painful mouth ulcers when I'm under stress. It's good to gargle with salt water and lay off of any acidic foods. Also, cancerous stuff is almost always painless. I wouldn't worry about mouth cancer.

    As for your tongue. My mother's tongue used to split down the middle. I mean fairly deep, too. The doctor told her it was a vitamin deficiency. I don't know which vitamin, but, it's worth looking into. Or take a good quality mult-vit if you aren't already.

    Hang in there. Sometimes those nasty mouth ulcers take a while to go away. They're not uncommon though.


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  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: mouth/tongue

    I have got two at the moment and they're painful.

    I have been getting them since I was small though so I tend not to notice them. They usually go within a week and I find that mouthwach helps a lot.

    My dad and my brother get them so it is certainly a genetic thing too!

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