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Thread: Hearing Voices - While Going To Sleep And Waking Up From Sleep

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    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Hearing Voices - While Going To Sleep And Waking Up From Sleep

    Many People on chatroom have asked about this topic.
    I have to started this forum about Hearing voices WHILE going to sleep and waking up from sleep - I think the main name is Hypnagogic Hallucinations - Which people as in psycaitrists, Doctors, Mental Health Pracitionors may concdier normal.

    While half asleep and half awake in the night and allso when relaxed.

    I have had loads of expirences in hearing voices at night while going to sleep and waking up, They can be intrusive, Loud and annyoing, I cant understand most of them, The voices are randmom from my day to day thoughts i picked up during life. I allso see some random clear images while my eyes are open and closed. the images can be calm and scarey, Beuitiful and ugly etc. Heck i even thought i saw things in the day.- which turned out to be my anxiety and my imagination going wild because at the time i was really scared. This allso happends when i am feeling normal and not scared.

    Some people see things from the corner of their eyes - Should be nothing to worry about. I had this and i could see black shaddows which are fast.
    They should go withing time because i dont have them anymore.

    Now for examples

    What i have heard

    Where is your car? - This is and odd one because i dont even have a car.
    Happy Birthday - No ones birthday on the night i heard this.
    Shut Up, Shut Up, Shut Up - Random Kind of on intrusive but scarey thought.
    Go away and leave me alone - Intrusive an unrealated to anything i was thinking at the time.
    Im Hungry - I cant really explain this lol - Sooo random

    I even hear some words and sentences i havent heard or seen before - In my defence i probably picked it up from maybe the Television (TV), Phone, Radio and allso a Book.

    Some people hear words of the allpherbet
    , - I know random but normal.
    Probabily Dictionery or A word search.

    Stress can allso make you hear voices and thinking about this can make you hear voice, just dont think of it as much and be relaxed as you can - The voices will lessen then should go in time.

    Some people allso THINK the voices for example, someone who says FOOD outload can say it in there head without moving there lips - so its just there random thorghts instead of voices of others. Its pretty much the same because they are thinking the same thing other people may hear instead of voices.
    I have heard mine and other peoples voices and allso think them since within a year.
    They can appear randomly allso - Just like mine

    Somtimes i forget what i think of hear the day after or maybe minutes later, so i probabily was half asleep or half awake.

    Have you ever heard your name being called when nobody is around? Yes I have many time - This dosnt really mean anything its normal - The brains just playing tricks on you and its over active, its normal it happends.

    Ringing in ears
    Hearing your name called out when nobody is around
    Hearing other people calling somone elce
    Hearing Telephone/Mobie ringing
    Hypnogogic Hallucinations - Hearing voices and Seeing things when waking up and just about to drift of to sleep - is pretty common - I HAVE HAD EXPIRENCES IN THIS MANY TIMES AND CONSIDER MYSELF NORMAL

    What is similar about all these sounds? They are the most common sounds on earth. For a busy person,

    Examples Of Seeing things.
    Things that i have seen.

    Clouds, Rain Clouds, Heaven, Hell, A statue of somone, a vision of a happy family, loads of times with differnt other people. I seen my own house, I can imagine what is happening downstairs while im upstairs. at some point i even thought i was psychic because of coinsedences.

    These may happen everyday and may not. - Sometimes a month goes by without it happening

    Please look at my other forums - This is not the only forum, there are forums reelated to this in my profile.

    You may have some more questions you would like to ask.
    Please ask and dont be affraid.
    I and others will be happy to help you.

    Thank You for your time.

    P.S Come back soon because this gets updated
    Last edited by JustBenn; 01-08-10 at 17:17.

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