About a month ago, I had a funny turn whereby I suddenly felt very dizzy.... I had to lay down for an hour or so... then I felt numbness and weakness in my right leg, and was unsteady when walking. I went to hospital where they did a CT scan on brain and said all was normal... they put it down to hypertension (my BP was only 140/85 at the time)....

Since then, it's happened a few times.... I get terrified every time it happens, like I'm about to have a stroke.... I feel numbness and pains in my right leg to varying degrees and sometimes it's ok...but then, suddenly, I can feel very numb in my right leg then the whole feeling rushes up the right side of my body and my head / brain. making me feel like i'm about to pass out / keel over.... (thankfully i've not fallen or passed out)...

I'm a teacher and an scared it will happen in class.

anyone else had this? The doctors don't seem worried...but i'm worried that it's something do to with my brain or hearth / vascular system....