Hi all. Some of you might have read my previous throat concerns. Anyway briefly, I've had a sensation of something in left side of throat for 6/7 months. No problem swallowing, no visible lumps in mouth,no hoarseness and no lumps I'm neck. I've seen 4 docs since August and had full blood tests. Docs say probably globus, but it concerns me that it's mostly one sided. There have been times when I'm not do aware, for instance when I took diazepam for a short time. But at the moment it's driving me crazy and I'm at my wits end, and feel terrified that I will be stuck with this forever, and also there's the little voice that pops up saying "maybe you have throat cancer, and it's going to be too late for you ". Feels good to write it out. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions on how I can cope with this it woukd be much appreciated.