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Thread: relapse

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: relapse

    I actually prefer to be busy because I hate having spare time (not that I have much anyway). I know that's not a good thing but it's how I've lived most of my life. My lifestyle as a carer obviously contributes to how I feel but I have always had an anxiety disorder so it has just continued throughout my life. I accept it and manage it as best I can-the relatively recent death of my Dad has affected me badly though and the agitation is worse now but I'll you will.

    Just carry on writing your feelings on here if it helps? I admire you for your yoga expertise-I'd need a general anaesthetic for that!

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: relapse

    I teach it most nights xx talking to others seems to help and I. Stopped pretending everything is wonderful. When it's bad I tell my family it's bad so they can know and go easy. Not my kids my parents etc.

    Y. Could u not do yoga. I watched my 78 year old yoga teacher slowly cure a desperately ill girl from anorexia. It was amazing. I didn't recognise her.

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Re: relapse

    I'm the same, to the extent that I think is this really anxiety because when I read about other's experiences I don't seem to fit the criteria, yet my GP says definitely anxiety so who am I to argue?

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: relapse

    GAD covers a huge spectrum, I suppose. I don't relate to many people's symptoms either.

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: relapse

    I didn't think other folk were like me, taking meds but still have issues.
    what really gets me is that it all comes and goes, most people seem to have the issue, take the meds and its gone. I always hoped this was going to work for me.
    Spare time is bad for me too, really try keep busy to keep the anxiety at bay, I seem to be at my worst when I have nothing to do

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: relapse

    Just so bloody hurtful and hard to manage. How was everyone's day

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: relapse

    Hi how are well all?

    I've treated myself to a SAD lamp see if helps with my low mood as hate the dark mornings/nights.

    Also had a private consultation with my pysch yesterday, we have upped the dose of my mirtazapine to 30mg and to come off the SSRI I was taking to see if that helps. Trouble with me is that I have been like this so long, cycling between normal periods and anxious times and tried so many techniques and meds that I am losing faith in anything working!
    Anyway, got to keep plugging away

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: relapse

    Doesn't it just get so tough to bear when u seem to be doing all u can. And yet it seems to return

    I am so sick of each second not knowing how strong the feelings will be as if my whole life is on hold because I'm so overwhelmed by just doing the day to day stuff

    I adore my whole mad chaotic life until this descends and then all goodness feels lost

    Cried in the car yesterday why bloody me.


  9. #69
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: relapse

    Quote Originally Posted by Jacqueline7 View Post
    Doesn't it just get so tough to bear when u seem to be doing all u can. And yet it seems to return

    I am so sick of each second not knowing how strong the feelings will be as if my whole life is on hold because I'm so overwhelmed by just doing the day to day stuff

    I adore my whole mad chaotic life until this descends and then all goodness feels lost

    Cried in the car yesterday why bloody me.

    That's a feeling I get whenever feel bad "why me?", it is soul destroying. I wouldn't wish it on anyone, but just wish someone else had it rather than me!

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: relapse

    So true. Like. Could u take a double dose for me. Then I'd be free. I'll take yours in the ne t lifetime deal

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