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Thread: Skin sensation! Feedback please!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Skin sensation! Feedback please!

    Hi all

    I posted a similar thing to this recently but wanted to elaborate to get more feedback.

    For the past 4 weeks I have experienced a sensation mostly on the forehead, scalp and face but sometimes on different parts of my body (hand, legs, back etc), but predominately on the forehead, scalp and face. Normally located to a small area or areas on the forehead, scalp and face. It's NEVER all over the place in one go and never constant.

    Anyway, here is what it feels like. Mostly like a very tiny fly is walking on the surface of my skin, a bit like being touched very lightly by a fine feather or someones long hair JUST touching my skin. Also sometimes like I have walked into a cobweb on my face. On my sclap and eyebrows it feels like the hairs are moving or standing up. It can happen in one spot for literally a second then not there again or last for a few seconds.

    I am more aware of these sensations during times of anxiety. At other times I dont notice them at all.

    I am really keen to hear from others and their experience this. Did it eventually pass? Did you notice it correlate with anxiety episodes? Is this a fairly common symptom of anxiety states. Basically ANY info on similar experiences or insights in to this or physical effects of anxiety/adrenaline surges.

    Hope you guys can help, fingers crossed.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    See if this helps as it is a similar sort of thing....

    Numbness or tingling in hands and feet

    What you feel:

    You feel pins and needles in your hands and feet, or other parts of your body. Sometimes you get a feeling like a particular area of your body is numb or frozen. Other times you may feel a burning sensation in your arms, legs or face.

    What causes this:

    Since the nervous system conveys touch sensations to the brain, when the nervous system is over stimulated, it can sometimes send impaired information which will often be felt as a numbness, tingling or pins and needles. For example, when an individual pinches a nerve they usually feel the results of this as numbness or tingling in a certain part of the body.

    Because the entire skin area of the body is touch sensitive (nerves cells connected to the brain through the nervous system network), any part of the skin or body can feel numb, tingly or as pins and needles.

    Typically this sensation comes and goes, and will affect a wide range of body areas off and on. It’s nothing to be concerned with and will subside once the nervous system gets sufficient rest.


    People will forget what you said
    People will forget what you did
    But people will never forget how you made them feel

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Grover

    Nic has already explained what happens to the body, when are anxietys are high.

    Don't forget, when are anxiety levels are high, the fligh, fight response has kicked it, are minds think we are in danger, so your body, prepares for that.

    Have you ever heard someone telling you a story and they say, oohhh boy, it mayed my hairs stand up on the back of my neck, or if some people watch a horror movie, they feel scared, so there hairs will stand up causing them to feel like someone is ticking them on the back of there neck.[?] or they are watching a movie about spiders, and they feel all funny and can feel the spiders crewling all over them, and they shudder or rub there face because they really believe they can feel them.

    The mind is a very powerfull thing, the nevrous system, CAN AND DOES cause many strange sensations, not only to anxiety suffers but to none anxety suffers too.

    I have had many strange senation, the feeling of spiders crawling on my head even all over my body, pricking sensation in just one spot, like someone is sticking a tiny needle in, it does feel strange, but all harlmless, once the anxiety levels drop, these sensation DO go.

    This still does happen from time to time and mine have been because I'm in a stressfull situation, but I have also had them when feeling not stressed, watching something on tv, ohh like when Leaona sang on the X factor, my stin felt all prickley.

    What has helped me move forward, Ohhhh apart from this fab site [^] is to talk to none anxiety suffers too, ask them things like, how they feel when the watch horror movies, do they feel any sensations on there body, how they feel when they feel really sad, again, any body senation. I found that ,YES, some people do, so this helped me, knowing that I'm not the only one.

    I know on here among sufferers, I'm not the only one, but to ask none axiety sufferers helped me understand the mind and body more.

    Ohhh I have woffled, LOL not sure if this makes any sense at all.

    You take care hun and learn all you can about anxiety, its symptoms and just how powerfull the mind IS, it does help.


    Fear is the darkroom
    where negatives are developed.....

    When you fear something,
    learn as much about it as you can.
    Knowledge conqers fear...

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