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Thread: lump in throat/neck

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    lump in throat/neck

    hi there, iv been suffering with panic & anxiety 4 a long time now. this site has really helped, i think we all suffer the same symptoms most of th time! The other day I woke up and rubbed my neck to find a lump about the size of a little nut under my chin toward throat/neck at the front. It was sore to touch and still is. I went to the doctors and he s refered me to th hospital 4 tests etc, iv not had my letter through yet to go. The lump stil hurts, and is worrying and anoying me. Iv done a bit of research on the computer and since read that anxiety and increased saliva can cause lumps in the neck? has anyone else experienced anything or have any info on this. many thanks, ali x[:I]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Ali, I had a 'lump in the throat' feeling last year for about 4 months accompanied by sore throats and swollen glands etc. all down to anxiety and worry and panic over the symptoms. Didn't actually have a lump at all. You could well have a little gland that has swollen up. Hope you get the appt soon to put your mind at rest

    Take care

    'This too will pass'

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    hey alison...i know what u mean...ive had it has my gf and she does suffer from anxiety or anythin......been to docs n loads of glands round the neck an throat area....was just caused from stress......and gettin general run sure evrything will be ok.....take care[^]


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    thanks to cam & daisybun, its not nice to experience anything caused by panic and anxiety for anyone but it does help to hear from anyone having similar to point where their s was related to. thanks again guys xx

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    I have had one of these for years - assumed it was a swollen gland. To be honest I never asked doc about it but it doesn't cause me any problems.

    Hope yours gets sorted.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: lump in throat/neck

    I've got this at the moment, I've had it about 2 years ago for quite some time. It caused me to stop eating and I was living on a mostly liquid diet. I'm pretty sure it all comes down to anxiety, I had a camera put in my throat to see if there was any problem and there was not. Mine went away shortly after I started taking the anti-depressant treatment 'Citalopram', it has now come back and, perhaps not coinsedently I stopped taking the drug recently. I don't really feel anxious alot of the time (about anything except the problem) but it seems this can be enough to cause it not to go away. I wonder myself weather the discomfort is real, but triggered by anxious breathing patterns, and swallowing. Anyway, it goes away in the end so try not to worry.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: lump in throat/neck

    My daughter in laws mum found a big lump on her neck, had to go to hospital to have it cut out and have biopsy done, it turned out to be harmless so please try not to get in a state too much maybe this will be the case with you or better still it may not even go that far
    thinking of you

  8. #8

    Re: lump in throat/neck

    Thanks for this post- I was really panicking and I had been off my meds so I know it was a side effect of not taking my meds.

  9. #9

    Re: lump in throat/neck

    hi! this might help you. underneath your jaw on either side of your throat is your thyroid. it controls hormones and everything, your whole adrenal system which controls pretty much everything. thyroid problems can cause anxiety. so if you literally feel a lump there, i suggest getting your thyroid checked. and i mean, get your physician to refer you to an edocrinologist. because regular physicians can check your thyroid through a regular blood test, but that isnt always 100% accurate because your thyroid level fluctuates throughout the day. so i suggest go to an endocrinologist and tell him about this feeling of having a lump there, or maybe something is swollen and he will do some in depth tests on you. you might find that the reason for anxiety you might have is because of thyroid malfunction! im going to an endocrinologist next week because ive been having like, a lump on the left side of my throat too. its not there all the time but it is at least once a day, and thyroid problems run in my family. so maybe consider seeing one, if youd like, it wouldnt hurt, right?

  10. #10

    Re: lump in throat/neck

    and dont worry, its nothing huge really. and if you do en up having problems with your thyroid theres remedies you can take that will help you. hope all goes well!!!

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