I don't know if this is even a symptom of anxiety, but I had a very weird experience after I felt really anxious and worried. All day I was tensing my shoulders and neck and kind of biting my tongue. And then suddenly my tongue started to feel like it somehow didn't fit correctly in my mouth. Instead of sitting behind my bottom teeth as it should, the edges of it were sitting between my two sets of teeth so that when I tried to close my jaw, I was biting my tongue at the back. Because my tongue felt so weird and uncomfortable, i couldn't keep it still and kept moving it around and trying to make it feel "normal". This resulted in more tension. I would describe it as my tongue feeling restless. It lasted about two full days. I then tried to just forget about it and ignore it and it went away.

I kept telling people "my tongue feels too big" and they thought it was like when your tongue swells up from an allergic reaction but it wasn't like that at all. my tongue was not physically bigger, it just felt like it didn't fit in my mouth. Anyone else?