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Thread: Why do we think this way?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , Canada.

    Why do we think this way?

    I have suffered with anxiety for many many years. I have worried about having diseases and especially having a heart attack and little
    aches and pains that send me shaking and trembling. I was asked what do I think causes me to worry like this. I don't know! I was wondering if any of you know why we react like we do and focus on these feelings? I am knida scared of dying and don want to leave my kids. But. I waste my life I should be enjoying worrying about this.
    Maybe we will all be enlightened with our answers.

    Thanks for listening!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    hi trina,

    if you go to the home page,and scroll down to the bottom,you will see a link to an article,written by charlie called <anxiety,the common complaint>

    its very well written,and answers most of your wishes..bryan.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.


    There are quite a few posts on here from people who are scared of dying. Use the search facility at the top of the page to find them all.

    I hope you find some answers to your questions.

    We all focus on the panic and the whole recovery process revolves around changing those feelings and replacing them with more positive ones.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    I have the same problem, i think the only way we get better is by challenging our thought and trying to change them into good thoughts. There is some great advice on this site about exercise/relaxaion and diet - have a good look through and see what you think. Try and replace the 'bad'/negative thoughts with good onem, after all the evidence is that you are alive and kicking. there are a few good books around that explain challenging your thoughts etc
    Once u start taking control it does get better

    Take Care


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Trina

    I think the answer is in your question - why do we think like this. The answer is - because we think too much!

    Several of us on this site are going to make it a new years resolution NOT to think very much at all (or at least only about things like what to buy at the supermarket, what to cook for tea).

    I can "think" myself into a right old state quite easily thank you very much. As soon as I have, I then think up all sorts of diseases, ailments, and outcomes.

    My anxiety mainly manifests itself in my stomach, and this anxiety is heightened by the fact that my dad died of stomach cancer (as did both my grand dads) and my gran (and great grand mother) both died of ovarian cancer. Consequently, any abdominal disturbance is followed by morbid thoughts!!!!

    What is really happening is that I am getting anxious and it is bringing on an attack of IBS.

    I am relatively new to this site, and have suffered from anxiety and panic for over 20 years. This has been on and off, but this last three years, it has been "on" again.

    Since joining this forum in the autumn, I have learnt several things that have helped me immensely. I am by no means free from anxiety, and still have a long way to go, but I am now definitely on the right side of getting better!

    I have like Lucky the following to be extremely beneficial

    1. Vitamin B Complex
    2. Healthy diet
    3. Plenty of water
    4. Reducing tea/coffee/alcohol/chocolate/cigarettes
    5. Taking regular exercise
    6. Changing negative thinking with positive
    7. CBT

    By making changes to your lifestyle, and challenging the way you think, you can "re-train" your brain.

    Accept that you are a sufferer of anxiety disorder, but DO NOT accept that you have to "be like this forever".

    With a bit of hard work, and a conscious effort to change the way you think, you will start to feel better. The more positive things you do, the more your anxiety will improve.

    Take care


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