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Thread: Fear of cancer testicals and high anxiety

  1. #1

    Fear of cancer testicals and high anxiety

    hi about 4 months ago i got mild discomfort in my left testical. I immediately panicked and went to the doctor twice and both times i was checked and told i was ok. I then went to a private hospital for a ultrasound which showed nothing was wrong. I still get the odd time when i have discomfort in my testical. then I can go for weeks with feeling nothing. I am at the moment suffering greatly from anxiety and taking tablets for this as last year i got divorced and lost my father. The discomfort seems to get worse when i worry. My doctor has said again that there is nothing wrong. I am also seeing a counseller who has said its anxiety like everybody else has said. I seem to be the only one not believing all this. My mum is getting checked this week because she has a growth on her lung so this is causing me so much more anxiety

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Re: Fear of cancer testicals and high anxiety

    I've experienced the same thing, I've been on two separate occasions - in late 2008 and mid 2013. Both occasions, I was told that there's nothing to worry about. I have, what appears to be a swelling, but is an area which has thickened over time, perhaps due to infection or damaged tissue. The pains are occasional, but if you look through this section of the forum, you will realise that it's pretty common.
    As you'll know anxiety and stress cause the body to react physically; tightened muscles etc... so it's not a suprise that the pain in your testicles may be more prominent when you're feeling anxious. Prolonged sitting can also cause that area of the body to ping and buzz, so you would feel discomfort.

    My advice, accept your doctors opinion, trust the ultrasound and keep active.

    It can be difficult to shake of the HA, i agree.

  3. #3

    Re: Fear of cancer testicals and high anxiety

    Thanks Paul for the reply.

    I think i do realise its HA which is causing this but am constantly seeking reassurance off people all the time.

    If it was any other part of the body I would just ignore it. Its because where it is that its eating me up.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Re: Fear of cancer testicals and high anxiety

    I totally get how symptoms like that can trigger anxiety. I had an abnormal pap a while back and I still get nervous about it, even though the doctor assured me that abnormal results were very common and that it would resolve itself soon.

    Here's a super secret health anxiety relieving weapon; trust doctors. The medical system isn't perfect, but it sure is a helluva lot more educated about the health of lady/man parts than you are. The medical staff at that hospital spent years studying in order to treat patients such as yourself.

    The primitive anxiety dragon in your brain knows nothing. It never went to college. It never reads books. It has never accurately diagnosed testicular cancer. It just likes to make a scene.

    I'm also really sorry to hear about how tragic recent years have been for you. It sounds like these difficult events may have provoked your anxiety something fierce. Remember, you're going through a rough time, not dying. I wish the best to you and your Mom.
    Take care

    Another thought; every body is different. Every body has quirks. Sometimes when I'm on my feet for long periods of time the nerves in my toes pinch, it feels almost like a bug bite. My back gets tight and sore all the time. So on and so forth. The point is that everyone has their own set of bodily sensations. Even the unpleasant ones (such as discomfort in your testes) usually don't mean anything is seriously wrong. I know it's especially upsetting if the unpleasant sensation is around your genitals but, for your own sake, don't focus on it too much. I'd drive myself nuts if I worried about every little itch and pain in my body, we all would.
    Last edited by youdontknowme; 22-06-15 at 10:52.

  5. #5

    Re: Fear of cancer testicals and high anxiety

    thank you for the kind words i just find everything unbearable at times

    ---------- Post added at 11:03 ---------- Previous post was at 10:53 ----------

    so if the doctor said am ok and also my ultrasound was clear I should try and stop worrying

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Re: Fear of cancer testicals and high anxiety

    I don't blame you for worrying as this is such a horrible thing to happen to any man and any pains or aches, lumps, bumps "in that region" are bound to send your anxiety soaring. As someone above said, trust your doctor as much as you possibly can - they know what to look for, especially with something as serious as testicular cancer. I also read online that less than 3% of testicular lumps are cancerous. That ought to reassure you? Something like 78 out of 8000 lumps were diagnosed as cancer so try and chill a bit..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Re: Fear of cancer testicals and high anxiety

    I nkow this feeling all too well :(
    I guess one thing of comfort is that testicular cancer usually doesn't present with symptoms of pain.

    I've been having a painful left nut these past few days and I've felt for lumps and everything and there's nothing I can feel/palpate. I guess it's just a symptom of anxiety but I'll definitely mention it to my doctor in 1 week time when I see him again.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: Fear of cancer testicals and high anxiety

    would you believe it my left nut is aching after readng this as i,m thinking about it

    only looked in for nosy , the power of anxiety

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