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Thread: Health Anxiety - just need someone to talk to

  1. #1

    Health Anxiety - just need someone to talk to

    I have been dealing with this on and off since December (albeit I am far from new to anxiety generally given it's plagued me one way or another much of my life). Im new to HA though. It started with the headaches which passed, then it was the tingling hands, then the tiny pain in my temple almost daily - there one minute then gone. Today at work I've developed a headache and when I got out of my car I smelt smoke. Now I know that I've spent too much time with Dr Google and I've probably just spent too much time at my desk today, hence the headache but I just cannot get the fear of a BT off my mind. I've tried to speak with my husband who just rolls his eyes at me now because he is fed up. I just gave to act 'normal. My mom is more sympathetic as she was used to dealing with my dad's mental health problems before he passed, but I hate to keep bothering her with my problems. I have two kids aged 14 and 11 and I'm feeling overwhelmed by this niggling anxiety. I've been to the Dr who did basic Neuro tests which were fine and had eye test but hey ... that's not how anxiety works. I just need someone else to talk to about it. Im thinking of counselling but tonight I feel like I need an immediate outlet to calm me. Anyone there??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2017

    Re: Health Anxiety - just need someone to talk to

    Hey there...i know what you're going through. Sometimes you just need to talk to someone who isn't close (if you know what I mean) I have been suffering my latest bout since May/June last year. Which sounds incredible when I say it out loud. The amount of illnesses I have convinced myself I have is unreal. I thought my hair was falling out. And spent hundreds of pounds on fancy shampoos still here but I still check. Ovarian cancer, bowel cancer, breast cancer, DVT, you name going through a bit of HA again having curbed it for a few months. I hide it all from my partner. He has absolutely no idea. Here is my chance to get it out of my head...sending you positive thoughts and a friendly ear xx

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Health Anxiety - just need someone to talk to

    Hello, we are here to talk to. It’s a very lonely problem really.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. #4

    Re: Health Anxiety - just need someone to talk to

    Thank you NewYorkgirl and Scass. It is horribly lonely isnt it!! Tonight i keep obsessing about smells! Ive opened some wine which I know is no good for the anxiety but I need to feel calm. I just keep going through periods where I think I can control it to absolutely desperate with worry.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2017

    Re: Health Anxiety - just need someone to talk to

    That's exactly how feel. Which I know in my rational moments is totally normal. Please don't feel alone. Because you're not. We are all here to help in any way we can. I have downloaded some breathing apps to my phone that I found really helpful when I was particularly anxious. Look on the play store. They are free and talk you through breathing and controlling it and focussing on it. Which can take your mind off your anxiety..x

  6. #6

    Re: Health Anxiety - just need someone to talk to

    Thank you NewYorkgirl. I've got an app which I've been working through. It's quite a tricky thing isn't it, as often during the day I'm focused (I'm a lawyer) so my mind is busy it's not so bad. Night times are often bad. Tonight I'm almost convinced with every breath in I can smell weird smells! My previous anxiety episode was in 2015 which resulted in a breakdown sadly - not HA though and I'm finding it a struggle. How do you manage not talking to your partner about it? Often I'm so worried I can't keep it In!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2017

    Re: Health Anxiety - just need someone to talk to

    If I'm busy and focused I find it easier to deal with. Evenings and into the night are also my hard times. I've found as soon as I focus on my symptom I become hyper sensitive to it..noticing everything do with it. Including adverts that may mention it, magazine articles etc. You may just be experiencing that. You're so focused on smelling something that normal everyday smells seem out of place. Regarding not talking to my partner, I feel stupid. I'm a very rational, calm and focused person with my children and friends and family. I don't think people would believe I had these thoughts and worries. So I just keep quiet. Which I know only magnifies my anxiety. Sometimes I win, Sometimes I don't..x

  8. #8

    Re: Health Anxiety - just need someone to talk to

    Well I think you're very brave. I've had to tell my husband even if he doesn't necessarily understand ... my moods differ so much he would be too confused !

  9. #9

    Re: Health Anxiety - just need someone to talk to

    So today I picked up my new car. I've worked hard for it and i should be happy. But no ... anxiety takes over. I didn't sleep well ... I woke up at 2am as my husband left the tv on. I then started to have intrusive thoughts ... thinking I had a headache (Not sure if I did). I woke up to my alarm jaded and tired then the tingling hand started (or so i think). That's the thing, I don't know if it's actually there. Tonight ive felt tingling on the soles of my feet. I think it has passed now but all these little things are causing me to spiral. I have a gp appointment on Tuesday but I'm scared there will be something wrong. Why is this so horrible???

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Health Anxiety - just need someone to talk to

    It is horrible isn’t it. It won’t even allow you a break sometimes.
    Have you an idea of what you want to achieve from your visit to the doctor?

    I can feel my anxiety creeping in at the moment. It’s so bloody irritating .

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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