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Thread: Morning diarreah

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Egg (sulphur) burps

    Do any of you get eggy burps with your ibs and a really uncomfortable bloated feeling? I get it also with lots of gas in lower stomach.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    My health anxiety explained. Can anyone relate?

    So I just wanted to give you guys a low down on my anxiety.
    My stomach is my main issue at the moment. I wake up and the first thing I think about is my stomach. It's gurgling, but gassy and doing a few Somersaults. Instantly I need the toilet and just fear going incase I see blood or for what it's going to be his time, diarreah or not really being able to go.
    It's got so bad that I feel I can't do much with my holidays (I'm a teacher) because I worry my tummy will play up. I emvy my friends who eat what they want to eat everyday and just feel fine.....not me! I'm constantly worried about it. The big problem for me is the C word. I feel like someone's missing something's and there is an underlying problem somewhere that's been missed because how can I feel this way? I've forgotten what it's like to feel normal. It's a real shame. I hope all is ok with everyone else. I can sympathise with you I assure x

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: My health anxiety explained. Can anyone relate?

    A lot of your tummy problems are probably down to anxiety. It's amazing the problems it causes!

    I get tons of tummy problems and digestive problems (have IBS) and it always scares me too.

    Have a word with your doctor. Explain to them your fears and how it is impacting your life. Being a teacher is tough and you deserve to enjoy your down time!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Re: My health anxiety explained. Can anyone relate?

    You described exactly what's going on with me at the moment. I may have some issue--just at the beginning stages of getting things checked out--but my anxiety is making it so much worse. Every day, I'm nervous about my bowel movements, monitoring how gassy my stomach is, focusing on every random twitch and pain. I worry about every meal (and I used to love food) and how my stomach will feel after I've eaten.

    Hang in there. Anxiety definitely creates some problems and makes others seem much worse than they actually are.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Re: My health anxiety explained. Can anyone relate?

    I can relate to the stomach issues. Mine is out of sorts following a stomach bug and I am monitoring it all the time which is causing anxiety which is causing stomach to worsen and so on!!!

    Sounds like ibs to me, although I'm no doctor (I'm a teacher too, yay!) Can you take some tummy settlers to calm and eat bland food like bananas rice etc? Don't look in the toilet for blood, why would there be any?

    I am finding HA has gone through the roof the last few months and especially now we are on summer hols. I am trying to fill my days so I am not dwelling, although I am not doing well really. I am worried about my tummy and also a funny mole on my back.

    Do you think that teaching has impacted your HA? I have always had a bit
    Of HA but Since having kids and then starting teaching it has gone into overdrive.

    Keep calm and have a biscuit!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Not having a great night.

    So I got a bit stressed out earlier and within about ten minutes of getting stressed, my cheeks started going all hot and my stomach felt like it was hardening. Literally about five mins later I got the urge that I needed to go to the toilet and I had diarreah, then as the night went on I felt like I needed to go again and it was that feeling of like I hadn't fully gone and needed to go more.
    It petrifies me the thought of having to have an endoscopy if this carries on (the dr hasn't said so but I just think I would need to) and I would hate for the worst case scenario to come out. I envy my friends so much, they go out, have In and never seem to worry. I, however, think I'm dying and just can't seem to cope a lot. Tomorrow I'm off to Colchester and need to get the train but scared in case I'll get these sudden urges to go to the toilet and won't make it.
    I'm actually getting sick and tired of all this. Hope everyone else has had a good, restful evening x

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Not having a great night.

    I can empathise! I get this too when I'm stressed or anxious. I nearly always get it on the days I have to leave the house (I work at home, so don't have to go out every day, thank god). It's just anxiety.

    Btw, I've had an endoscopy (not for the runs) and it wasn't bad at all. No pain, not even discomfort. Tbh, I found the whole thing quite interesting. I could choose whether I wanted to see what the camera saw or not. I did watch the screen and it was so fascinating I didn't feel a thing.

    Some people take 25 drops of Vogel's Avena calm in the morning and they find it helps with an anxious tummy.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Not having a great night.

    Do you think this could all be anxiety related? I'd hate to think I was ignoring something sinister :(

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Not having a great night.

    Of course it could! I know mine is. I only get the runs when I have to leave the house (or if someone is coming to my house).

    Physical Anxiety symptoms can manifest as just about anything. Headaches, stomach upsets (inc. diarrhoea), aches and pains generally, nausea, vision problems, fatigue - all of these and more can be caused by anxiety. It's not just the mental things, like thoughts and feelings. Your whole mind and body are affected.

    Obviously if you have Health Anxiety, then you are going to worry that your anxiety symptoms are something more sinister - in which case you are increasing your Anxiety with worry. It's a vicious circle.

    I suppose I'm lucky that my Anxiety is mostly just social and general in nature.

    In the last 18 months - 2 years I've wasted a lot of time in various hospital clinics getting my eyes tested when there's nothing wrong with them. I've finally accepted that my Anxiety is causing my blurred vision and headaches. I've actually caused myself more Anxiety than was necessary with the worry and the hospital visits (the appointments themselves cause me to have the runs and hot flushes, not to mention the sitting in the waiting rooms with zillions of people - eek!).

    If you're really concerned that you have something else wrong with you, then of course you should get it checked out - but if you have Health Anxiety would you trust the test results?

    It's tough having Anxiety, isn't it? Claire Weekes's "Essential Help for your Nerves" really helped me to accept my Anxiety and understand it. I hope you can find something that helps you too.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Had a bad morning!

    I've been down at my sisters in Essex and felt like I needed to get away so pushed myself through the journey and did it. Yesterday travelling down there I just burst out in tears when there because I was just so scared of being admitted to hospital, ever being told the dreaded cancer news etc. Last night we went for a few drinks and I felt calm and my sister was talking me through stuff. She's very good with me. Then we went home and she wanted a take away but straight away I thought no way it won't settle with me and my stomach. Anyway I had it and it did. However today I've had these gurgles in stomach and like popping sounds and wind. My parents have gone to Ireland for the weekend so now I'm fearing being alone at home and these sounds are something sinister? Could ibs and anxiety alone really cause all this? I'm finding it really hard to believe

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