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Thread: One tonsil bigger than the other, an this be normal?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    One tonsil bigger than the other, an this be normal?

    I went to docs twice last week as one tonsil is bigger than the other, I think I looked a while ago and the difference in size was apparent then but obviously I cant be sure my tonsils look exactly same as always have as we dont spend allour lives looking at back of throat. The first doc felt all my neck, shoulder etc to check for swollen glands and there were none, He had a look in my mouth and agreed one was bigger but said that our bodies can differ i.e. one foot slightly bigger than the other. He said your tonsils dont have to be perfectly symmetrical. He asked if I had other symptoms of the sinisster thing im thinking of, such as night sweats, fevers, low immune system etc, and I have none, and he said if my tonsil had been like this a while (which tihnk it has, tho not positive) then id have some of those other symptoms.

    The second doc also felt all my neck and found nothing. Then she had a look in my mouth also agreed one was bigger than the other but she didnt seem concerned. She said since it seems to be worrying me to go back in furture if I think its changed or to go back anyway in about a month and to let her have a look and see if theres a change.

    I pointed out a small pink nodule (i may be describing this wrong but its like a v small pink tear shaped lump at the top of the tonsil towards the v back of throat) but she just said tonsils can be lumpy (only one has a lump that looks like this). Im worried it was maybe too hard for her to see, does this sound like cancer?
    Im going to see my dentist today and im terrified hes going to recoil in horror or go silent and squeeze my hand and refer me because he thinks I have soemthing!

    Im kind of still a tad concerned, so any experiences appreciated
    Last edited by louise123_uk; 18-01-10 at 11:35.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: One tonsil bigger than the other, an this be normal?

    I have always had one tonsil biger than the other, its called a natural verient some people have extra bones we are all human but some people have slighty diffrent things like one boob biger or one tesical bigger, dont worry you just one of the unique ones.
    -My Life.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: One tonsil bigger than the other, an this be normal?

    Thankyou your post does make me feel a bit better (evey time I hear someone else has it I begin to think it is normal!). Im just worried a bit still I guess that im wrong and my tonsil hasnt always been this size and has got bigger.

  4. #4

    Re: One tonsil bigger than the other, an this be normal?

    lol i may be 6 years late but some ppl might check out this forum, so i have one tonsil larger than the other and it is totally normal, it is fine, it is like someone having a small hand than the other, so other than that dont worry its not cancer or anything serious.

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