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Thread: HIV Test in a Few weeks- freaking out, as usual...

  1. #1

    HIV Test in a Few weeks- freaking out, as usual...

    Hi everyone,

    Over the past few months I have been convinced that I have a brain tumour, ALS and AIDS. My doctors keep telling me I'm fine, and I'm getting blood tests done this week to make sure I'm ok in all areas. I don't ever believe my doctors, however, and right now I am particularly scared that I have contracted HIV from a guy I had a one night stand with about a year ago... we used a condom until the last few minutes (but he didn't ejaculate inside me... sorry, TMI). I have to get a test in order to be able to work in Korea, where I am employed as an ESL teacher and I am really freaking out. Lately my symptoms have included: headache, dizzyness, shakiness, slight nausea, and aching sides... like, where my kidneys are located. Any insights/reassurance for me? I'm not doing very well these days...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: HIV Test in a Few weeks- freaking out, as usual...

    aww hun

    it will be ok im sure

    try and distract urself

    i know how difficult it is to get these thoughts out of ur head

    but we are naturally cautious ppl and i would think are fastidious about safe sex

    i know that doesnt help, but we pick up on any worry that might ever happen.....

    nothing has been diagnosed so please try not to worry and try to think positively about ur career

    ur symptoms sound to me like anxiety, tho im no doctor

    take care

    milly xxx

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: HIV Test in a Few weeks- freaking out, as usual...

    If this is any help it is highly unlikely you would contract HIV from one instance with an HIV positive person. It would have to be multiple exposures to the infection.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: HIV Test in a Few weeks- freaking out, as usual...

    hope the tests go well and that you are soon able to put this behind you. Hope you've learnt not to take chances in the future but don't beat yourself up about it we all do daft things.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: HIV Test in a Few weeks- freaking out, as usual...

    Hi I'm sorry that you are going through all this anxiety. I have had to undergo a HIV test fairly recently. The staff at the clinic are very discreet and you will be treated with the utmost dignity. They should offer you counselling as well as a repeat test after twelve weeks as this is the 'window' needed for the result to be effective. If you are very low risk you may not be offered this second test. This allows time for the anti bodies to show themselves in the blood. You should get the results through in about two weeks.

  6. #6

    Re: HIV Test in a Few weeks- freaking out, as usual...

    Thanks for the posts, everyone. I just keep thinking about what would happen if the test ever came back positive... yikes. I have a great boyfriend who I would never want to infect, I wouldn't be able to continue my job... etc, etc. But thanks for all the responses.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: HIV Test in a Few weeks- freaking out, as usual...

    Hi Janinel!

    Try to relax hiv is harder to contract than most people think. I have to know this stuff cause i work with HIV positive people. Secondly I know its scarey cause ive had a test myself ( after i found out my ex husband was cheating on me) but the likelyhood is it will be negative. Now all you have to do is believe it!

    Take care

    Pooh xx
    I've crossed lines of words and wire, and both have cut me deep. I've been frozen out and I've been on fire, and the tears are mine to weep. But I can cry until I laugh, or laugh until I cry. So cut the deck right in half, I'll play from either side.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: HIV Test in a Few weeks- freaking out, as usual...

    Hey I lived in fear for years I had HIV. Too scared to get test done. Im now 34 so feel pretty certain im clear of it, but boy was I scared about it.

    Get the test & relax if you can. Nothing you can do but try & chill.

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