Hi All, firstly i think i have health anxiety because over the years i have feared having a few different serious illnesses and got very very worried and also not believed doctors and been back to see them again about the same thing. I havent had any of this lately though until recently, there has been a brown spot on my big toenail for definitley over a year, maybe 18 months or more im not sure. Now i always just didnt worry about it because its small (measures 5mm across and 1.5mm thick) it is across my nail like <----> rather than vertical. It hasnt grown or changed since i got it, although there is also a slight white bit around it which looks like the white marks on my finger nails, except i dont have that on any of my other toenails! I just though its a bruise or something, but then i thought if it was it should have gone by now so i googled it and got VERY worried as you can imagine everything on google says this could be cancer. So i went to the doctor, just over a month ago, told him how long it was there, and i refrained from telling him what i was worried about because basically its up to him to make a diagnosis, although i maybe should have mentioned it for reassurance purposes. Anyway he simply looked at it and said "its just a simple discolouration of the nail, not a fungus and there is no bleeding but its not something i can treat for."

Now of course, i was fine with that for a while, but then i start getting these sensations near that toe..not pain...almost like a very faint pins and needles i guess...and you can imagine the worry this has caused. Possibly they are a normal sensation that i am just aware of because my health anxiety has been reawakened? But i start thinking cancer again and that i should go back to the doctor, because of all the WHAT IFS and doubt springing into my mind. I searched on this forum and it seems the usual course is to get something like this removed, but my doctor didnt obviously feel the need to have it investigated further, and i suppose i should trust him although my Anxiety makes me doubt as im sure you all know.

I dont really want to go to the doctor again, i never worried about it before and i want to stop worrying now, but my mind is full of WHAT IFS!!!! and i get really scared. I always tend to worry that i know more than my doctor, although i really want him to be right!! would really appreciate comments and advice.