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Thread: Trapped wind in chest

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Re: Trapped wind in chest

    Hiya guys just read everybodies comments here im on the forum but i googled and it bought me straight back here lmao.....Iv been in terrible pain in my chest unbearable infact cant stop farting either sure this is the problem..

  2. #22

    Re: Trapped wind in chest

    Quote Originally Posted by derekranson@btintern View Post
    hi its so good to know im not the only one suffering with this problem i never realised trapped wind could be so painful across my bust having lots of tests done at moment hopefully my doc will get to bottom of this soon its happening to me every day drinking boiling water peppermint tea goea away for a liitle while then comes back with a vengence trying to learn to live with it for now but carnt wait for the day when it goes for good.many thanks kelly
    yea I'm getting pain in my chest now and again and I suffer with anixety too I find this only happens wen I eat to quick or wen I'm hungry then I know I'm swallowing a lot of air this what makes me bloated and windy which leads up to my chest with a lot of belching the best thing is to eat slowely it works for me but I did rush eating last night hence why I have trapped wind in my chest as this rises from the tummy hope this helps

  3. #23

    Re: Trapped wind in chest

    i have pain in the chest, warmth and pressure, sometimes radiates to the upper back. Pain can go from left to right chest at times. I have gone to all tests - scan, xray, endoscopy, blood tests and all normal. this has been going on for 4months now. sometimes the pain is sharp on the chest and sometimes is dull but sensation can be burning at times. I do not have any stomach pain or gas. I burp all the time and get relieve temporary and it comes back. i yawn sometimes too. Please help.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: Trapped wind in chest

    Mine isn't so much pain as it is pressure and tightness but yes I get it too, matter of fact it's kept me up most of the night tonight and I have to work in 3 hrs!! So frustrating lol....

  5. #25

    Re: Trapped wind in chest

    I am so sorry that you are going through this ,please have a read, I'm sure that you will find this useful

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