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Thread: Has Any Ladies Had a Colposcopy Examination?

  1. #1

    Has Any Ladies Had a Colposcopy Examination?

    Just wanted to know If anyone has had this done. Im so scared! I had a smear test last year and it showed abnormall cells. I had to go back to gp and have another smear which was ok I assume as I never heard anything back. I was homeless for a while and was in and out of accomadation with ds so wasnt settled anywhere but registered with a new gp.Because I had that abnormal result, I was due to have smears every 6 months. i got a letter from gp several months ago stating I was due for another smear but left it as I hate it. Everytime you sit in a gp or the ones I have been in have had big signs up about smear tests. I finally moved in april and registered with another gp. 5 months from when the reminder was sent I got another. I had the smear done in may and was away for a while visiting family as they live abroad and when I got back the letter was on the floor. I opened it and said i had abormal cells again so it needed to be investigated further. i have a appointment in 2 weeks for the colposcopy. Although I had a leaaflet explaining what will happen when I go, I dont quite understand it.Im not thick, well sometimes I am lol but just wanted to know if anyone has had it done and what exactly happens. Is it like a smear? i dont like it at all. Im dreading it. Then not long ago, Jade Goody was diagnosed with it. Is this a warning sign to say I have cervical cancer? I am paranoid as it is and think all sorts are wrong with me. Im so scared. I have no one to come with me. I hate hospitals, I dont like going out, I dont like public transport, i dont like much due to my anxiety and my panic attacks have got worse. I dont even know how to get to this place and I will end up having loads of panic attacks before i even leave the house. shall I just not go? I hate hospitals so much. It terrifies me that I will be given bad news. My dad and uncle both died from lung cancer and im scared of that too. Sorry for the long post. Thanks x

  2. #2

    Re: Has Any Ladies Had a Colposcopy Examination?


    I think you should go, i know a few people that have had abnormal smear results,and i have also worked in the gynaecology clinic a few times at work which is where the colposcopy is usually held, im not to sure what happens exactly (receptionist not a nurse) but i think it depends on what your result is you may have another smear or you may have treatment, please be brave i know its hard and scary, im facing a few fears as well at the moment hence the time im replying to you, but i think you will benefit greatly in the long run, have you tried using rescue remedy it doesnt cure the anxiety but it does make you calmer and may help you through the situation a little, be brave and let us know how you get on

  3. #3

    Smile Re: Has Any Ladies Had a Colposcopy Examination?

    I have had it done and it's nothing to be afraid of. It's a lot like a pap smear except they use a big microscope with a bright light to look at the cervix. It takes about 10-15 minutes, I'd say. In my case, they also did the cryosurgery, which is a fancy name for freezing the abnormal cells. A lot like getting a wart frozen off. Just remember to bring somebody with you to drive you home - because, if I remember correctly, I felt a little loopy afterward. I don't know if it was from the procedure or from anxiety??? Keep in mind, I had my procedure over 15 years ago, so the details are fuzzy. The main thing is that after my colposcopy, I have never had another abnormal reading. They told me it is actually a very common finding and usually is insignificant.

    Try not to worry. And please do go. You can't neglect your health out of fear.

    I hope this has been helpful for you.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Has Any Ladies Had a Colposcopy Examination?

    Abnormal cells usually fix themselves just to reassure you. And most of the time women develop cervical cancer becausethey don't have reglar smear tests, keep your smear tests up and go for the colposcopy anyou will be fine.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Has Any Ladies Had a Colposcopy Examination?

    I have had several colposcopys - they are used to get a closer look at the cervix - you are not put under any kind of anaethesia so shouldn't need anyone to come with you - they will probably take a small biopsy (i.e. snip a bit off your cervix, where the cells are) and test it to see the level of the abnormality.... It is a little uncomfortable but nothing bad (trust me, I HATE pain of any kind) - if the have asked you to go for one, then you really must go - and it is unlikely that you will have anything serious, but, on the other hand, if you leave it then you might end up with having to have more done.

    The procedure is the same as a smear test - but done looking through a brightly lit microscope and sometimes there is a camera so that it can be seen on screen.

    They are NOTHING to worry about but are a necessity.. and it does NOT mean you have cancer - it is a preventative as opposed to something to get stressed about.

    Good luck.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Has Any Ladies Had a Colposcopy Examination?

    I had one about 12 years ago and it doesn't hurt - just a bit uncomfortable. I had laser treatment and they burnt out whatever is they burn out!

    Since then all smears have been clear.

    You must go and get it done though. Take someone with you to keep you occupied and tell them you are anxious and panicky and they will reassure you and keep you calm.

    “Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” - Natalie Babbitt

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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: Has Any Ladies Had a Colposcopy Examination?

    Nothing to worry about, I have had several colposcopies because of abnormal smears. I know it is worrying when you get a letter through telling you have an abnormal smear - but these cells can be picked up very early - long before they present a problem - that is why it is important you go for the colposcopy, so they can sort it.

    All the best.

  8. #8

    Re: Has Any Ladies Had a Colposcopy Examination?

    Quote Originally Posted by AngelDelight View Post
    Just wanted to know If anyone has had this done. Im so scared! I had a smear test last year and it showed abnormall cells. I had to go back to gp and have another smear which was ok I assume as I never heard anything back. I was homeless for a while and was in and out of accomadation with ds so wasnt settled anywhere but registered with a new gp.Because I had that abnormal result, I was due to have smears every 6 months. i got a letter from gp several months ago stating I was due for another smear but left it as I hate it. Everytime you sit in a gp or the ones I have been in have had big signs up about smear tests. I finally moved in april and registered with another gp. 5 months from when the reminder was sent I got another. I had the smear done in may and was away for a while visiting family as they live abroad and when I got back the letter was on the floor. I opened it and said i had abormal cells again so it needed to be investigated further. i have a appointment in 2 weeks for the colposcopy. Although I had a leaaflet explaining what will happen when I go, I dont quite understand it.Im not thick, well sometimes I am lol but just wanted to know if anyone has had it done and what exactly happens. Is it like a smear? i dont like it at all. Im dreading it. Then not long ago, Jade Goody was diagnosed with it. Is this a warning sign to say I have cervical cancer? I am paranoid as it is and think all sorts are wrong with me. Im so scared. I have no one to come with me. I hate hospitals, I dont like going out, I dont like public transport, i dont like much due to my anxiety and my panic attacks have got worse. I dont even know how to get to this place and I will end up having loads of panic attacks before i even leave the house. shall I just not go? I hate hospitals so much. It terrifies me that I will be given bad news. My dad and uncle both died from lung cancer and im scared of that too. Sorry for the long post. Thanks x
    All i can say Angel is please dont worry! I hate hospitals too. They bring me out in a sweat! But even doctors surgeries do that to me, i am not your typical anxiety sufferer because i dont run to the doctors quickly, i hate going there! When i was 21 i was getting a lot of abdominal pain, and i had never had a smear test in my life. I had ben having sex since just before my 16th birthday, i ended up marrying him at 18, split at 20 and got with someone else by 21. So had only been with 2 people, but the first smear test i had, was negative. I got a letter from the doctor saying abnormal. I basically went to pieces! Convinced i had cervical cancer. The doctor was no more reassuring and i had to go to London Queen Charlotte and Chelsea hospital for colposcopy and biopsy. It turned out i had pre cancerous cells CIN II i think they said. I had 2 lots of loop diathermy treatment, and yearly smears. Touch wood, ive NEVER had an abnormal result since, no signs of papilloma virus these days, and ive had 2 children that are now 13 and 11 since!
    All i can say is dont panic! Jade Goody had shed loads of dodgy symptoms before her diagnosis, i cant remember the statistics, but the likelyhood of your result meaning cancer is miniscule! Seriously.
    But i know where you're at because i have been there and bought that t shirt!
    Me, my older sis and my mum alone in our family have had varying degrees of abnormal cells. Mum only had to go for re tests, i had loop diathermy and my sis had laser treatment. This is why my 11 yr old daughter will be having the vaccination when it is offered next yr!
    Abnormal smears pick up abnormal cells up to 25 yrs before they turn dodgy, if they do at all! So try to be calm about it, because i would definately bet real money on your result not being serious.
    Take care xx

  9. #9

    Re: Has Any Ladies Had a Colposcopy Examination?

    Sorry that was meant to say first ever smear test was positive. But can i just say, they decided yrs ago i can now go to the normal 3 yearly smear tests (i asked to keep them at a yr because it made me feel better and they were cool about it)

  10. #10

    Re: Has Any Ladies Had a Colposcopy Examination?

    After i had my first child i had my first smear test done and it came bk abnormal so i had to go for a colposcopy. I was 17 at the time i'm now 25 and i was told that if i didn't get the cells removed then i would of had full blown cancer by the time i was 27! At first they give you an injection down below which i personally didn't like, i found it very uncomfortable and sore but after that i never falt a thing and it was over and done with before i knew it. After i had to go for a smear every 6 months and thankfully everything was fine, and now i go once every year. I just had a smear done last week and sould get my results in another 5 wk so my fingers are crossed that everything is ok. Good luck and try not to worry. It's better to be safe than sorry. x =]
    Don't Worry, Be Happy!!!

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