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Thread: WEIRD

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2003


    I has a long discussion with my mum last night and told her everything that has been going on with me anxiety etc. I hadn't told her before as I felt she had enough on her plate. She was great.
    She did tell me though at one point she had a fear of going out the house (sorry forgot the name) and she would get to the front door and go back inside. I know my mum has alot of problems but didn't know about that one!
    She said that she forced herself to go out eventually as she had to walk the dog but it passed soon after that.
    It was nice though cause she understood where I was coming from

    Anyho wanted to share that

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Lucky

    Its good that you are able to talk to your Mum and share things with her.

    I can talk to my Mum as well and she is always there for me. I find it harder to open up to my Dad though, even though he has suffered with his nerves for years and years. He is going into hospital for treatment soon for alchol problems. He has been on Diazipam for over 20 years. It will be strange fo me to see my Dad when he is dried out as ive never known any different.

    I too had a fear of leaving the house and I would shut myself in with all the curtains closed. I was like that for about 5 months and only plucked up the courage to step outside after my boyfriend left me and i realised i had to stand on my own two feet. It was the best thing that could have happened and now I finally have my freedom back to go and do whatever i wish and whenever i wish.

    Love Diane

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    My mum is just out of hospital after having 'dried out' (replied in another topic to u about it.

    It is nice 'having her back' for the time being at least as I can't usually talk to her

    Well done with facing your fears


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    hy lucky,

    did you realise that talking to your mother is another one of those <small steps> in your success story!

    i hope your mother continues with her treatment,so she can enjoy good times with her lucky star.

    best wishes..bryan.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    My mum once sent me a card saying "congratulations on turning your life around, I am so proud of you".

    She doesn't fully understand the illness and has never actually seen me having a panic attack but she is trying to understand it. She even registered on the forum but hasn't posted yet.


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