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Thread: Constant headaches and ear noises

  1. #1

    Constant headaches and ear noises

    Hello I have been living with health anxiety for a long time and have been getting by really well for years now. Recently I have had a lot of stress and I think that's what has brought this on, however I'm getting a symptom that I find hard to explain and doesn't seem to even exist when I search which is causing me a lot of anxiety as I can't get anyone to reassure me.

    I keep getting these mild headaches, not in any particular place just can be mild pain anywhere on my head, but along with it I get this noise in my right ear that I can only describe as possibly a muscle spasm, but I don't feel it only hear it, it lasts for less than a second but always happens with the pain and can happen several times within a minute and is just happening all day from when I wake up. It sounds sort of like a spasm/vibration, it's similar to that noise you get when you bite your tongue and you're in that cringing pain for a second (maybe that's just me though I just assumed it was normal for everyone).

    It's just really freaking me out and I'm now fixated on it and I was just hoping someone would know exactly what I was talking about and could reassure me that anxiety can definitely cause this. I wouldn't even know how to begin to describe it to a doctor. It's definitely not a ringing sound or anything like wax moving etc, it's like a spasm.

    Thanks for any reassurance, I just wish I could live like a normal person and not obsess over the mildest symptom .

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2017

    Re: Constant headaches and ear noises

    Hi Lou, welcome to the forum, I hope we can ease your anxiety even a little~ \( ^w^ )/ I know how scary and exhausting it can be to worry about things that seem 'related' to headaches.

    I think you'd be surprised at what sort of symptoms anxiety and stress can give you. Honestly, it could amount to just about anything, definitely headaches, and while I can't say for certain, that vibration could be some form of tinnitus. I'm honestly not sure if it's EXACTLY the same thing, but a few rare times, I've had a really non-ringy version of tinnitus before where it sounds more like a deep bass rumbling in your ear. Really shocks me when it happens.

    I used to suffer from very short, sharp 2-3sec headaches in one spot and it used to scare me, but now I get them mildly all over my head. While I can't say I've experienced that bass sound WITH headaches, I DO have constant tinnitus.

    It honestly could still just be an inner ear thing or wax build-up. Or very likely, anxiety!

    But because we're not medical professionals, it can help to get a doctor's opinion anyway, if you can! You may be unsure of how to explain something, but you'd be surprised what they can understand! I know I was having trouble explaining a strange almost-dizzying sensation I experience, and my GP still understood. I think I've understood what you mean, so even if you write down an explanation and read it to your doc, maybe that'd help!

    Hang in there friend, you're absolutely fine! \( 0w0 )/
    I'm a 23-year-old goofball who distracts herself with videogames and anime to try and forget her overwhelming anxiety!~ ヽ( ̄ω ̄ ; )ゝ

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