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Thread: Can a brain tumor grow in a month?

  1. #1

    Brain tumor fears

    A little over a month ago, I had a CT and MRI of my head and neck that came back all clear. I had those tests run because I a hemiplegic migraine, which has the same symptoms of a stroke, so the tests were done to rule out a stroke. Ever since then I've been having an on and off pressure feeling in my left ear, a few headaches that have sometimes been on the left side of my head and sometimes on the right, two bad migraines, my left shoulder is very tense, bad tinnitus in my right ear, slight weakness in my left arm that comes and goes, and a weird pressure feeling behind my left eye that also comes and goes. I am beyond afraid that they either missed something or that I have a cancerous tumor that has grown within the time since I got the MRI since they grow fast. I've noticed that when my anxiety gets bad, these symptoms flare up but I'm still convinced that it's something more serious. I'm 19, in school and trying to pursue my career. I'm terrified. Has anyone else ever felt like this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: Brain tumor fears

    Quote Originally Posted by madison1017 View Post
    A little over a month ago, I had a CT and MRI of my head and neck that came back all clear. I had those tests run because I a hemiplegic migraine, which has the same symptoms of a stroke, so the tests were done to rule out a stroke. Ever since then I've been having an on and off pressure feeling in my left ear, a few headaches that have sometimes been on the left side of my head and sometimes on the right, two bad migraines, my left shoulder is very tense, bad tinnitus in my right ear, slight weakness in my left arm that comes and goes, and a weird pressure feeling behind my left eye that also comes and goes. I am beyond afraid that they either missed something or that I have a cancerous tumor that has grown within the time since I got the MRI since they grow fast. I've noticed that when my anxiety gets bad, these symptoms flare up but I'm still convinced that it's something more serious. I'm 19, in school and trying to pursue my career. I'm terrified. Has anyone else ever felt like this?
    Meaning you have no tumour. Machines don't miss and cancers cannot grow to such an extent in a month. It is anxiety combined with migraines. Definitely, 100%.
    To wear your heart on your sleeve isn't a very good plan; you should wear it inside, where it functions best.

    Margaret Thatcher

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Brain tumor fears

    My mom has a tumor, her symptoms headaches so bad she was throwing up, dizziness, and very weak. Anxiety can cause all your symptoms you may be tensing up your body and not realizing it, my whole body ached, neck, shoulders, headaches one side of my head then the other due to neck stiffness from me tensing up, feeling weak and drained, all your tests came back clear, you don't have a tumor

  4. #4

    Exclamation Can a brain tumor grow in a month?

    I had an MRI and CT about a month and a half ago and it came back all clear. I saw my neurologist yesterday, and she told me that she has no reason to believe that I have a brain tumor. She was even looking at my MRI and said, "wow, your brain is beautiful!" I am still fully convinced that I have a highly cancerous brain tumor called a Glioblastoma. I felt at ease when she told me that I was fine yesterday, but my anxiety is back again and it's really bad. For a brief second today I smelled burning plastic for two seconds. It wasn't strong at all, it was a light scent, and there was nothing burning at all. I am also experiencing a sharp pain on the left side of my head. The most unsettling thing though was the random phantom smell. I can't stop thinking about the fact that I probably have a rapidly growing brain tumor that will kill me in a few months and I'm only 18 so I won't be able to live my life. Please help!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: Can a brain tumor grow in a month?


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  6. #6

    Re: Can a brain tumor grow in a month?

    Do you get like a pressure type feeling in your head? And a numbness in parts of your face? I’ve had this all week I’ve got a CT scan coming up

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Re: Can a brain tumor grow in a month?

    Dear Madison, You are okay. This is your anxiety telling you that you have a brain tumor. Our anxiety is not logical. Deep inside you, somewhere, I am sure you know that you could not possibly have a brain tumor big enough to cause all these symptoms so soon after your MRI and CT scans.

    I have a condition that requires regular brain MRIs. My neurologist would never give me a second MRI so soon. Not even a glioblastoma would grow that fast.

    I get all of your same symptoms with my anxiety, even the phantom smells. I completely understand, though, how scary these symptoms are. I just got all freaked out about pressure in my forehead a few days ago and asked about it in this forum.

    We need to remember, though, to see our anxiety for what it is. It is just a thought, not a truth. And, it is irrational. It can be our worst enemy if we let it.

    My therapist tells me to acknowledge and thank my anxiety for trying to protect me and then "get back to life." Sometimes I tell my anxiety I am going to "get back to life" or go shopping, or take a shower, or whatever, even if it comes along with me. Usually, in the middle of my script, I am supposed to face my fear and acknowledge that I could actually have a fatal disease and die, but I don't think you need to do that. You are just fine.

    You are at a huge crossroads in your life. It makes sense that you are terrified. I have felt that. In fact, I am feeling it right now. My husband is dying of Stage 4 Lung Cancer. We've been married for almost 40 years. I can't imagine a world without him in it. I am, like you, terrified. I don't know how I will live without him. These fears are pushing my health anxiety into high gear. My therapist explained to me that my health anxiety is the dysfunctional way my brain is trying to cope with my husband's illness.

    Don't let your anxiety rule over your good sense. You can do this. We can do this. We are worth fighting for!!

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